5th battalion, 42nd field artillery vietnam

There were also a few officers and large numbers of enlisted men who were transferred to the Battalion when the "Pentomic" reorganization took place. For the military Tet presented a golden opportunity to crush the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese because they were weakened by that great effort. We paid $7 a month for KP and these guys hired Germans who did it for us. Bearcat was originally a French airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. Among 24,500 men ordered to active duty in 88 units across the United States were 570 Kentucky Guardsmen and 750 Kentucky Air Guardsmen. I remember his sons (Kurt - my brothers age) and Greg (my age) and their dachshund (Herman). 5th Bn, 27th Arty (105, T) Contact: That probably was a good thing because the winning team got a trip to the US to participate in the all army tournament. Arty Legends - legends and To protect one landing zone and its batter- ies, the field artillery had to site at least two batteries within range of each other. Faircloth, 1st, It was some kind of Battery test so the radar crew was given a truck load of C rations and stuck in a remote site away from the rest of the unit. McBride, (not Coffee at the snack bar followed by more section training and bug out time. | News | All artillery units are made of Battalions and that is the first number in a unit's designation i.e. You will see the abbreviation Plt or plt used to reference platoon. Battalion, 82nd Artillery Exploiting new field pieces coming off production lines and FADAC and dust- ing off forgotten techniques, field artillerymen delivered unprecedented accurate fire to shatter enemy attacks and seal off the battlefield and showed their ability to furnish huge quantities of fire. I used to play with Earl (deceased) behind their house in the bomb craters left over from WW II. You will find their stories incorporated into the appropriate areas. '68-'69, 3rd Battalion, 6th Artillery 26th Artillery, Headquarters Battery, Fearing that the communists would eventually gain power, the United States began pouring in economic and military aid to buttress South Vietnam against subversion by the Viet Cong, a con- traction of Vietnamese Communists, and the threat of invasion by North Vietnam. After the Battle of Ia Drang, General Kinnard had nothing but praise for his field artillery. [2][4], In 1972 the Army of the Republic of Vietnam infantry school and armor school began moving to Bearcat Base from Th c.[5]. The base was abandoned and turned over to farmland although the Long Thanh North airfield is clearly visible on satellite images. Paul 2nd Battalion 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment. Battalions are made up of Battery's and here again you will find flexibility as BN's expanded or contracted along with the need. Generally, post-Tet operations reflected past counter-guerrilla operations. 41st Artillery Group Contact: Steve the webmaster for full details, Fire They also changed C Btry into a 4 howitzer Btry and took the other 2 howitzers and called them E Btry (see History - '67-'69). Since I sent you the first e-mail, I have had a chance to read some of the other emails on your site. The 42nd Artillery, CAC was an Army Railway Artillery Regiment and was assigned to the French 240mm Railway mounted guns. 5th Battalion, 42nd Artillery 2nd Battalion, 13th Artillery 3rd Battalion, 197th Artillery 6th Battalion, 15th Artillery 6/15th Artillery 'DEADLY' Four 175mm's at 1st Infantry's Saigon University staging area November 18, 1965, when the 2/32d 175mm's arrived in Vietnam. Survey section was in Camp Enari along with Survey Info Center and S3, 1st Battalion, 5th Artillery Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' Artillery Walked everywhere! 41st Artillery, 4th Battalion, 7th Bn, 9th Arty (105, T) On payday they were filled and SPs as well as MPs roamed the town to prevent trouble. The 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery deployed in January 1991 for Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, joining in the largest artillery raid ever conducted. Rank was hard to come by because the 280s were being phased out and the battalion seemed to be a place for Officers who were being phased out. Museum of the Kansas National Guard . Contact: Holly Clark, 1st Battalion, 30th Artillery When the wooden tower turned into toothpicks it took about three minutes for the French Army to disappear. another under II Field Force Artillery control: 265th Field Artillery Radar Which basically meant they would be the battery responsible for moving around as the demand for movement increased. Scarlet is the color used for Artillery. The insignia was redesignated for the 42d Field Artillery Regiment effective 1 September 1971. -- I also have a mimeographed copy of the Battalion's history during World War II, its reactivationon 7 Jul 52, its acquisition of the 280mm Guns, its deployment to Baumholder in Nov. 1953, and ending with the Battalion's participation in the field exercise "Battle Royal" with Belgian forces of the Northern Army Group. No way the Seventh Army was going to stop 65 tank divisions located across the Eastern Boarder in the Fulda Gap. On the remembrance of your 68th birthday, your sacrifice is not forgotten. Contact: Al Simms, Jr. 105mm H T Background:,The coat of arms was originally approved for the 42d Field Artillery Battalion on 7 May 1942. The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the 42d Field Artillery Battalion on 7 May 1942. Taking hi3 argument even further, Kinnard insisted that the 1st Cavalry lured the enemy into battle by teasing it with a seemingly unprotected airmobile infantry battalion. Once the enemy struck, the 1st Cavalry hit it hard with massive artillery support.60 Simply stat- ed, the battles of Ia Drang vindicated the airmobile concept and showed the field artillerys capac- ity to provide close support in difficult terrain. Shortly thereafter, the Army launched another multi-division operation called Junction City. It reduced fatigue and the resulting errors of fire direction center personnel. Artillery, II FIELD FORCE Add a link of artillery units in Vietnam Contact: Ron DI Unit Crest 134th Field Artillery Battalion DUI. 6th Bn, 33rd Arty (105, T) PHEONS", 1st Battalion, 8th Artillery -- There is a printed history of the Battalion published in 1956 by the Wolf Printing Co., Baumholder, Germany. Capt Welty was a 20-year man who was a Marine during WW2 and switched to the Army during Korea. Detachment 5, American Forces Vietnam Network in Hue is shown in 1967 a few months before the Tet Offensive. 2nd Bn, 35th Arty (155, SP) As the other combat arms scoured the countryside, gun crews supplied close support by shelling enemy positions. Unit Crest (Conjuncti Stamus) 28th Field Artillery Regiment. SP = Self-propelled Even though Army doctrine still called for fire and maneuver, practice in Vietnam differed con- siderably. The 42nd Field Artillery Regiment is a field artillery regiment of the United States Army, first Constituted 5 July 1918 in the National Army (USA) . Artillery The accidental confrontation prematurely triggered a violent enemy attack. 1st Bn, 321st Arty (105, T) This dispersed the Army throughout the countryside. howitzer by eliminating unnecessary equipment, the 1st Cavalry flew a four-gun battery a distance of fifteen miles in approximately two hours to provide fire for the ground forces. As a part of the advanced course, student officers received instruction at the Artillery and Guided Missile School and the Air Defense School at Fort Bliss, Texas. The 6th Battalion/15th Artillery Had to love the guy. This is. Using colored smoke rounds to identify the precise outline of his perimeter, Lieutenant Colonel Harold G. Moore, the 1/7s commander, called for additional artillery support. 1st Bn, 84th Arty (155, T/8-in, SP). Central Highlands which was the 7/15th's Area of Operations (AO), III Corps was the The Viet Cong gave the North Vietnamese another tool to bring down the South Vietnamese government by infiltrating South Vietnam and conducting sabotage, terrorist, and propaganda campaigns. Ballowe, Quads (attached to Americal The following day, the North Vietnamese renewed their assaults but ran into a curtain of artillery rounds. I believe that gun ("Atomic Annie") is the one now on display at the Artillery Museum at Fort Sill. 2nd Bn, 35th Arty (155, SP) World War II: Normandy (with arrowhead); Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe, Vietnam: Counteroffensive, Phase II; Counteroffensive, Phase III; Tet Counteroffensive; Counteroffensive, Phase IV; Counteroffensive, Phase V; Counteroffensive, Phase VI; Tet 69/Counteroffensive; Summer-Fall 1969; Winter-Spring 1970; Sanctuary Counteroffensive; Counteroffensive, Phase VII; Consolidation I; Consolidation II; Cease-Fire, Operation Iraqi Freedom: Liberation of Iraq, 2003; Transition of Iraq, 2003-2004; Iraqi Governance, 2004-2005; National Resolution, 2005-2006; Iraqi Surge, 2007-2008; Iraqi Sovereignty, 2009-2010, Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan): Consolidation III, 2010-2011; Transition I, 2011-2011, This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 07:04. (There Although the Americans faced soldiers with a different set of values, they produced a better led and trained South Vietnamese artillery by 1965 than the one encountered in 1961. Equally important, American field artillerymen created a fourth firing battery in direct support battalions because of the clamor for more firepower and because of a surplus of guns and ammunition and increased the use of FADAC that had been introduced in Vietnam in 1966-67. We were moved to New York by train and loaded onto the USS Callan along with a lot of other troops. Contact: Steve Sipos, Headquarters Battery, [Taken from coffeltdatabase.org]. Battalion, 11th Artillery The 1st Field Force with two groups - the 41st and 52nd - and 2 separate Battalions (BN) provided artillery support for all of II Corps Tactical Zone (IICTZ). Hopefully the pictures I have attached are self explanatory. Served with Jeff C Battery He was a cannon cocker I was in Alright Ammo. Battalion, 18th Artillery Along with the pressure from public opinion to preserve lives, by 1966 the Army made field artillery, naval, and air firepower more important than maneuver since infantry, armor, and cavalry units would not conduct operations unless they were under the protective umbrella of fire support. During the short but intensive battles on 1and 3 November between small forces, tube artillery failed to furnish any support because it was out of range of the fights whereas aerial artillery rushed quickly forward to hit enemy units. 2nd Bn, 33rd Arty (105, T) FDC cleaned the showers and sinks. This usually creates fear and I was no exception. Thomas Contact 1964. 5th Bn, 22nd Arty (8-in/175) 3rd Bn, 34th Arty (105, T) 11th Inf Bde (105, T) As such, the Vietnam War had a profound impact on the field artillery. 3rd Bn, 34th Arty (105, T) Following the closing of the Seacoast Artillery School in 1950 and dis- banding of coast artillery units or converting them to field or antiaircraft artillery that same year, only field and antiaircraft artillery (called air defense artillery after 1957) existed as part of the Armys artillery. containing a list of ALL US Army Vietnam Artillery units. Contact: on the organization of Field Artillery in Vietnam. Army - 41st Field Arty Gp w Vietnam SVC Ribbons Army - 173rd Airborne Brigade w SVC Ribbons Army - 124th Transportation Cmd w SVC Ribbons . This left some units in the theater with excess personnel, which they were directed to transfer to other units, including the 265th. 85 We also had black & white Chevrolet station wagon which bit the dust (threw a rod) on the trip down to Munich in 1968. Sgt Pappy Bryant was another gun chief. A few years ago I ran across a book entitled Private Presley by Andreas Schroer which documents Elviss years in Germany and I swear it is as good as a high school yearbook for memories. I remember his children, Wally, Shelly, Pam, Barbara, Earl, and Nancy (my age). 3rd Bn, 82nd Arty, 196th Inf Bde (105, T) The regiment served in World War I, World War II, and Korea, and regimental units have served in Vietnam, Honduras, Panama, . By the early 1960s North Vietnam had a formidable army that had been organized, equipped, and trained alongChinese lines and that relied upon stealth and foot mobility. In one letter, he sent me a color picture of a 400 pound tiger carcass tied to a pole in the middle of one of the firebases. 2nd Bn, 9th Arty (105, T) Life was routine and good. The regiment did not initially mobilize for the Second World War during the general activation of units beginning in August 1939. Looking for more information from military/civilian As a result, Colonel Brand urged separate training for field artillery and air defense artillery. Contact: 4th Aviation Battalion Your military Experience, events and qualifications section was in Camp Enari along Survey., Pennsylvania, from personnel of the 8th Infantry, world War. VIETNAM ARTILLERY Battery - 8/4th Artillery I was sent to Camp (now Fort) Chaffee for my eight weeks of basic training. Find 5th Battalion, 22nd Artillery unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. 6th Bn, 32nd Arty (8-in/175) The 42nd Field Artillery Regiment is a field artillery regiment of the United States Army, first Constituted 5 July 1918 in the National Army . Early in the Vietnam War, the 1st Special Forces established a base there. I was drafted and entered the US Army November 1, 1954. It was here that I learned the folly of placing the barbs on the barbed wire a hand space apart. They verified the need to get as much firepower on the enemy as quickly as possible and to use artillery and air strikes simultaneously. When we got there a French unit with about a dozen 20mm cannons were shooting at a wooden tower with a bunch of what looked like Generals with BC scopes watching the results. On 6 February as a battalion of Marines sealed off the north end of the An Loa Valley to prevent the enemy from escaping, the divisions 2nd Brigade air assaulted into An Lao Valley. I also learned the folly of riding a bicycle around a blind corner of the path around the courtyard of the apartment complex at full speed. 2nd Bn, 77th Arty (105, T) 6th Bn, 14th Arty (8-in/175) 1st Bn, 83rd Arty (8-in/175) 4th Bn, 42nd Arty (105, T) Another item you will run across in our writings is the symbol "(-)", you will normally see this in conjunction with (Plt) and it is what is used to designate the remaining portion of the Btry (2 platoons or 4 howitzers) once it has been split. I remember a black guy (Pvt/Cpl/Sgt? In early 1971 for example C Btry occupied 3 firebases all within 7 miles of each other for mutual support of the Engineers working on the roads, the ARVN's and US Infantry pounding the bush as well as the 3 firebases. David Powell However, it was to inform me I was now in the survey section. 1st Bn, 84th Arty (155, T/8-in, SP), 7th Bn, 13th Arty (105, T) We were shaped up by 8 am. M. Puccetti, Division 6/15th's AO, and IV Corps included the Mekong Delta and the southernmost parts of This rapid sweep taxed the 1st Cavalrys artillerys ability to support the maneuver elements. This freed field artillerymen to concentrate on field artillery subjects. My duty assignments with the 265th FA Bn (later 3rd Gun Bn, 81st Arty) were as follows: Formed in 1917, the division deployed to France as a part of the . B Battery fired the last US Army artillery round Just gain enough time for the SAC Bombers to get there and be sure we were out of the way. DI Unit Crest 8th Cavalry Regiment DUI. My father's executive officer was Major Lightner (?). This test culminated in the firing of the first atomic round at Frenchman's Flat firing range in Nevada, by the Officers and men (and one gun) of the 867th FA Bn. (7) 1 Jul 58 to 10 Dec 58: Battalion Asst S-3, Special Weapons Training Officer My father, LTC Henry Ewell (Hank) Strickland, Jr. (deceased 12/20/2012) was commander of 6th Battalion, 9th Artillery (175 mm Self-Propelled howitzers) which was at Rivers Barracks in Giessen, Germany. Without suitable roads 155-mm. For the field artillery these capabilities were critical because the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong were elusive, used hit-and-run tactics, and engaged the Americans and their allies at close distance with the idea of negating their superiority in artillery, helicopter, and tactical air support. Your donation to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund will help expand our mission to honor, educate and heal. of three firing batteries. At the direction of the Commanding General, Continental Army Command, the Artillery and Guided Missile School and the Air Defense School explored the desirability of dividing the artillery into two branches. 2nd Bn, 138th Arty (155, SP) 1, 2nd Bn, 19th Arty (105, T) In Saigon the Antericans and South Vietnamese repulsed the initial assaults and cleared the city within several days. Within twenty- four hours after the beginning of Tet, on 30 January 1968 Hanoi launched a series of attacks from the demilitarized zone to the southern tip of Vietnam. Artillery Regiments were constituted on 8 March 1898, three weeks after the explosion of USS Maine in Havana, Cuba on 15 February 1898, as the United States' declaration of war on Spain . 16 November 1965 - 21 June 1972 2nd Bn, 77th Arty (105, T) 2nd Bn, 94th Arty (175), 2nd Bn, 319th Arty (105, T) Battalion can be abbreviated as BN, Bn or bn depending on the author (I prefer BN). 2nd Bn, 321st Arty (105, T) 4, 6th Bn, 29th Arty (105, T) It was common practice (at least during 1969 to 1971) to have one of the batteries be a "Swing Battery." If you have a contact person This may help you find your friend from the war. Lewandowski, 105mm H T - Provided This web site is posted by former members of Charlie Battery 5th Battalion 4th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Brigade, 5th Mechanized Infantry Division who served with this unit in Vietnam. F, 79th Artillery United States Army Institute of Heraldry. He was hospitalized at Long Binh Post in Bien Hoa Province, RVN, when on September 30, 1971, he suffered a fatal heart attack as a consequence of his illness. . well as the Radar and Searchlight units this article will focus primarily 5th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery Regiment- Inactive since 16 May 1996. . I was afforded a wonderful chance to see Germany from the inside. In the meantime, an American artillery officer, normal- ly a major, was assigned to each corps and division to counsel senior South Vietnamese comman- ders on artillery matters and coordinatc the efforts of the advisory teams in subordinate battalions. 2nd Bn, 17th Arty (105-155, T) for your artillery unit Based on a number of criteria (like the mental health of the men that had been on a hot firebase for an extended amount of time and enemy activities) the swing battery could be swing for anywhere from 3 months to a year. He had a simple strategy if war ever broke out. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Later in the war, the 7/15th was under the 52nd Artillery Group. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. After years of debate over the validity of consolidating field and air defense artillery, the war prompted the Army to recognize the existence of two artilleries and to make them independent of each other. I have adopted the outline format used by Major General David Ewing Ott in his book published by the Department of the Army in 1975 titled Vietnam Studies, Field Artillery 1954-1973. Late in October 1965, the 1st Cavalry Division moved into the Ia Drang Valley. Pentagon civiliansalso wanted the South Vietnamese to assume more responsibility for their own defense and hoped to end the war through negotiation rather than a resounding military victory. Because of this, the 1st Divisions artillery commander delegated fire control to commanders of direct support battalions, who helped convert the Iron Triangle from a haven into a no mans land by the end of January. How to use 're equip' in a sentence? 3rd Bn, 16th Arty (155, T) This arrangement guaranteed a rapid response by the artillery when called upon, simplified furnishing fire support in guerrilla warfare, and saved lives. The 1st Cavalry had the capability to maneuver their artillery aggressively on the battlefield to destroy the enemy and refused to allow difficult terrain to hinder delivering huge amounts of firepower upon enemy positions. Integrated basic and advanced officer courses, which had been initiated in 1947, had failed to provide officers with adequate preparation to serve effectively in either artillery.93 With support from the Armys Assistant Chief of Staff for Training, the Continental Army Command created basic courses for the two artilleries in 1957 but reintegrated basic officer training in 1958 through 1961 because of the lack of officers and money.94 In the meantime, the Continental Army Command retained the integrated artillery advanced course for officers with five to eight years of experience because of pressure to maintain flexibility in officer assignments. We were not the first unit he had befriended. FAQ | Contact, 1st, John Howard, 1st Battalion, 83rd Artillery Of course we couldnt pass up a chance like this, after establishing contact with FDC we asked if they could hit the tower. 8th Battalion, 26th After several days of searching, the 1/9 Cavalry bumped into the enemy on I November. Contact: Rick Why his arm did not fall off is amazing, he pitched 6 games in five days. read more 1 2 3 Next the webmaster of any Quads attached), 175mm gun SP (M107) + 8-inch In fact, FADAC had become the primary means of computing fire data by 1969. Contact: Gary Puro, Battery G, 29th Artillery Dauphin, 7th Battalion, 9th Artillery Early drifts towards this mentality started in Ia Drang and culminated in 1967. Junction City culminated with the battles of Ap Bau Bang II, Suoi Tre, and Ap Gu. 1st Bn, 92nd Arty (155, T) 5th Bn, or Vilseck at least twice a year and stayed in primitive quarters. Toggle navigation. Lozano, 2nd Battalion, 33rd Artillery Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. in Vietnam, 2nd Battalion, 320th Artillery To all past members of the 2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam. The best was the softball team, we had two very good pitchers, one was a man named Moses and the other was Captain Gardner. 23rd Artillery Group To fight off the assaults the Americans employed small arms fire, field artillery, and air strikes. Rex G Welty, the Exec. This meant that the infantry and cavalry would have to fight alone on the enemys terms unless they were under a protective umbrella of fire support. I realized why when we hit a storm in the North Atlantic and spent three days at sea anchor during which time we were feeding 85 troops that could still eat. Contact: Bob For example, Operation Fitchburg of late 1966 and early 1967 in Tay Ninh Province gave the battery commander an excellent opportunity to exercise com- mand and control independent of the artillery battalion because one 105-mm. Dan Gillotti, 2nd Battalion, 32nd Artillery This assignment was temporary, pending the arrival of replacements. Comments While the officer provided guidance to improve overall unit effectiveness, the noncom- missioned officer assisted the battalion operations officer and operations noncommissioned officer in training firing batteries and gun sections. Contact: Joe DiPardo, 6th The charts below illustrate the units of the Field Artillery deployed in Vietnam, both before and after the Tet offensive of 1968. 3rd Bn, 18th Arty (8-in/175) Artillery SECOND FIELD FORCE VIETNAM ARTILLERY 42d Field Artillery Lineage Constituted 5 July 1918 in the National Army as Battery D, 42d Field Artillery, an element of the 14th Division Organized 10 August 1918 at Camp Custer, Michigan. 6th Bn, 27th Arty (8-in/175) Military Challenge Coin 5th Battalion 3D Field Artillery Regiment, SILK #15 1ST PRINT MARVEL COMICS VF/NM CB844. Do you have 5TH BATTALION 27TH ARTILLERY. My first assignment was in the radar group, which didnt last very long. Despite effective air and artillery support, the enemy closed in on the perimeter and assailed it from all directions. FOR SALE! Contact: Ron VMM-164 Facebook. Up front were tank divisions, then armored infantry, then 105s, then 155s then 8 inch guns and then us. John F. Karr, 5th Battalion, 42nd Artillery 2nd Bn, 20th Arty (ARA) Charles After a couple of years it dawned on me that I would have to serve my two years with Uncle Sam when I was done with school. Gouttes Kaserne, composed to the men of the 4/60th Air Defense Artillery (Quads and Dusters) as Pilots contacted ground units and then adjusted tube artillery on the fringes of the battle- field. For the most part, 1/92nd was a 3 Firing Btry BN each with 6 - M114A1 - 155 mm Howitzers, lovingly referred to as "The Pig." 2nd Bn, 17th Arty (105-155, T) It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. There also was a 155 outfit at Rivers Barracks so there was plenty of competition between the troops. Arty Stories - Vietnam 1st Bn, 77th Arty (105, T) Home Cities Countries. Shield:,Scarlet is the color used for Artillery. World War 2 & Korean War 2nd Bn, 13th Arty (105, T) artillery stories (also see articles) I agree with Charles Kelley. Because of his opposition to expanding the war, President Johnson cut back bombing, informed the South Vietnamese that they had to shoulder more of the burden for defending themselves, and launched a peace initiative to create an independent, non-communist South Vietnam. Turned out I used those bonds to pay for my first 2 years of college when I was discharged. Welcome to the official 504th Military Police Battalion page on Facebook. Fuller. The days were pretty much the same so we looked forward to being in the field. We would play cards till lights out. The Battalion Exec, a Major Stein was the only man in his West Point class who was still a Major or the last of his class to make Major. . Based upon the report of the Army Officer Education and Review Board of 1958, the Continental Army Command reintroduced separate basic officer courses in 1962 because of the need for specialized training for new officers. To his right is station NCOIC, Sgt. Warriner, 5th Battalion, 22nd Artillery 1st 1st Bn, 14th Arty, 198th Inf Bde (105, T) The fact that Congress was thinking of ending the GI Bill (still hasnt happened) I returned my deferment and volunteered for the draft. He dropped it with one round from his M16. Commanders permitted batteries to operate independently because the war was basically a small unit conflict and was being fought over a large area. In most cases you were broken down into 3 separate -2-howitzer - platoons. Late in 1965, it could not be applied at will. Are you looking for someone who is or was in 5TH BATTALION 27TH ARTILLERY. To ensure that the maximum area was defended by available troops, the Army assigned an area of operations to each unit from the high- est to the lowest. Field Artillery Brigade Mostly though we were all E3s or E4s. Frequent questions. Crest:,The hand grasping the spears indicates firepower in any direction. We bowled, played softball, went to the library or just tried to look busy. William Tecumseh Sherman. Wessling, Dusters / Quads of Battery E,

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