windows containers without docker desktop

On Alpine, this should prompt for the new password. Once unpublished, all posts by _nicolas_louis_ will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. But if you, like me, feel that all the added complexity of Docker Desktop is unnecessary, you don't need Windows containers, or you are simply tired of that whale in the system tray taking so long then perhaps you want to run the docker daemon (dockerd) in the WSL distro of your choice and be happy. failed to load listeners: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address, jai@FA057586:~$ wsl First, let's pick one. error:failed to load listeners: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address I love POSIX as well, but I don't have a choice. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. If _nicolas_louis_ is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. Exactly, this is very unfortunate but currently only linux has a standalone daemon, Windows and MacOS have to install Docker Desktop to get a native daemon. Connecting to any sort of enterprise-y VPN or WiFi just doesn't work. If bowmanjd is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. The -d flag is optional, in case you want to the get back the bash prompt, it means dettached mode. How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. Start of the month i will write full article, for now this will have to do. I reinstalled the Debian WSL. It just doesn't set the default links in the install process to be able to switch to the legacy rules. Two ways to obtain this access: In other words, unless you want to utilize sudo or root access every time, add your user to the Docker group, named docker: Then close that WSL window, and launch WSL again. Here is the corrected version: ifconfig eth0 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}\. In particular you should specify paths in WSL, usually your C:/ drive is mounted in WSL under \mnt\c. The docker desktop documentation page isn't clear to me if it will work with or without WSL (or wsl2). With Docker Desktop's WSL 2 backend, Docker integrates with Windows in a fairly elegant way, and the docker client can be launched from either Powershell or Linux. On Fedora, you will additionally need to passwd myusername and enter the password you want to use. Do you want to run a container? 14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:; Unknown error". To see what group IDs are already assigned that are 1000 or above: Can't decide what number to use? Once you have installed the distro of your choice, launch it and set up a non-root user if you have not already. Unfortunately if you want to run docker from WSL (not using Docker Desktop) this will be the only way to use volumes. (Will report back with results..). Here is what I get: $ update-alternatives --config iptables One mistake and you can cause irreparable damage to your Windows installation. I'm not sure what happened to the previous reply: $ dpkg -S /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy However, you may have other settings you wish to put in daemon.json, so you may appreciate some familiarity with this topic. Get:1 stretch/main amd64 iptables amd64 1.6.0+snapshot20161117-6 [288 kB] Unflagging bowmanjd will restore default visibility to their posts. No one tells me these things. HyperV is not stable enough on Linux, and VirtualBox is blocked by corporate rules. You can skip this step, and proceed to updating packages and testing network connectivity, below. Have you heard of portainer? If you dislike the Windows Store, there are other options. I would prefer a prettier straight-foreward solution. The client is Windows; the server is not. dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy With you every step of your journey. I recommend the following: The first line tells WSL to cease auto-configuring the /etc/resolv.conf file. I don't have a complex use case for it but I think it works. There is some socket magic that I don't know by memory because I just keep the command in a gist. Again, try wsl -l -q to see a list of your WSL distributions if you are unsure which one to use. You can just download them, put them in your PATH, register the Docker Daemon as a service, start it and run your Windows containers like youre used to. How is Docker different from a virtual machine? Here is what you can do to flag bowmanjd: bowmanjd consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? I even uninstalled and installed it back. dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy, iptables is installed: ", echo `ifconfig eth0 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}. Proprietary software, not limited to MS Word and PowerPoint. Then this issue just went away, regardless of whether I ran WSL as admin. Thanks for the help. Setting up Docker for Windows Containers manually is not really that hard to do. One for WSL and one for "Hyper-v and windows containers" which isn't clear if that is only for windows containers, but it reads sort of like it can do Linux as well. I was able to run simple commands on Windows with docker like, docker run -it --rm ubuntu sh However, I could not find an option to switch it to run Windows container. on the top right of the section "Containers" and select "Edit settings", You'll get around 56 settings and you search for "Docker:Host" where you put the line "tcp://" where you can replace the highlighted ip address by the one you got before, Once done, you come back to the panel and you click on "refresh" icon (top right of each sections) and you would get information from your dockerd running in WSL2. Please note that these steps require WSL 2 (not version 1). WARN[2021-10-24T16:24:00.993150800+05:30] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {unix:///var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.sock 0 }. I'm curious why you'd use a custom script to start dockerd rather than just using service docker start? You should see docker when you run the command groups to list group memberships. As a next step we also would like to run them simultaneously. Except for you, of course, for which I am extremely grateful. Docker Desktop displays the Docker Desktop - Access Denied error if a Windows user is not part of the docker-users group. That sounds odd. In WSL2 change the service config to additionally expose the Docker Daemon on localhost: On Windows create a new context for the WSL host via PowerShell: Now you can easily run Windows and Linux containers simultaneously without switching like in Docker Desktop: You may not even need Docker Desktop if youre a poweruser not using the GUI. If you do not yet have a running WSL instance with a distro of your choice, the next step is to pick one from the Microsoft Store. To get to a Linux directory while in Powershell, try something like. Another option may eventually be Rancher Desktop if they add Windows support, but it is currently limited to Linux containers. Docker on Windows without Docker Desktop volume mounting,, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. I realize that your post indicated to use iptables: false as a way to get debian wsl2 instances to work with docker. It might be worth mentioning that as of a few months ago, the default WSL2 install (Ubuntu) can be configured to support systemd with a two-line config file. If you want Docker to work on Windows and WSL 2, installing Docker Desktop is most likely the way to go. If desired, you can configure it using Services to only start it manually. (, I currently start dockerd with "-H tcp://" and it does work, I can pull images, run containers, build images etc. can you provide an example? The steps to create and run containers on Windows Server using Docker can be summarized as follows: 1. Watch discussions for Docker-related .NET announcements. I even removed and installed fresh wsl. Uninstall . If so, you have success. If and only if you opted to use the shared docker socket in /mnt/wsl/shared-docker as detailed above, first set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable: You should see the "Hello from Docker!" WARN[2021-11-06T15:39:10.294801200+05:30] Support for listening on TCP without authentication or explicit intent to run without authentication will be removed in the next release host="tcp://" I believe there should be nearly a dozen links to other objects there. For Linux containers you can install the Docker Daemon in WSL2. Then in the elevated PowerShell run: This will register the service, start it, and then exit the elevated Administrator shell. This doesn't just apply to the terminal, either. Pick the right one and set it to DOCKER_DISTRO. Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was Plain and simple. When I want to stay without Docker Desktop, I need the deamon inside wsl? I am still running Linux on servers to this day. In a windows terminal running with administrator privileges, I set the Execution policy with : And every time I want to run dockerd, I launch the start_docker.ps1 script: And if you see API Listen on, Now, I want to use docker without -H parameter, for this, I add a new system environment variable called DOCKER_HOST set to tcp://localhost:2375. The following lines can be placed in .bashrc or .profile if autolaunching is desired, or in a separate shell script. Microsoft offers a more detailed comparison in the docs. Yeah, I have actually changed the instructions, removing the iptables:false, as using iptables-legacy seems like the right way to do it. For example, Windows 11 Home can use up to 128 GB (gigabytes) of RAM, while Windows 11 Pro supports a maximum of 2 TB ( terabytes) of RAM. My own .NET rest API runs as expected and so do other containers. I have based these instructions on those, with some tweaks learned from real world testing. This article attempts to explore such a process and options along the way. On Alpine, that's apk add sudo and on Fedora, dnf install sudo. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The choices are running Ubuntu where upgrading every six months shatters your OS so badly you can't work for days or Arch where upgrades often break one of your printer/scanner/Bluetooth. Lastly, if you are working behind a proxy and need access to a private container registry, and get an x.509 certificate error with docker login, grab the root certificate of the proxy from your browser (export as base-64) and drop it into the docker certs directory related to your private registry/etc/docker/certs.d/{private_reg_name}:{private_reg_port}/ca.crt (private_reg_port is optional if you're using a standard port). Below one works fine in ubantu Note that Docker Desktop is only free individuals or for small companies. Note that the above steps involving the docker group will need to be run on any WSL distribution you currently have or install in the future, if you want to give it access to the shared Docker socket. The vague complaints of the Copilot plaintiffs are nothing compared to the damage to free software and human progress if they won. In PowerShell use Scoop to install the Docker static binaries: We now need to enable and start the Docker Service in Windows. If so, read on. So is there an alternative on Windows to continue to legally use containers with a docker command and a nice UI like VSCode without paying a licence : the answer is YES ! (Just dial DOCKR on your telephone keypad) Not likely to be already in use, but check anyway: If the above command returns a line from /etc/group (that does not include docker), then pick another number and try again. (Depending on your network configuration, you may instead need to access this through http://[WSL IP Address]:8080 which should be obtainable with ifconfig or ip addr). Even after upgrading WSL to 2 and running wsl --set-default-version 2, my distribution was still WSL1 as it was created before the upgrade. Redefined,${ID}/gpg, Ubuntu on WSL2 : in Microsoft Store Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Docker extension for VSCode : directly from Visual Code Extensions Marketplace. Stop running Windows unless you really have to. In a windows terminal (Windows Power Shell) , launch : sudo dockerd -H `ifconfig eth0 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. If you used Debian or Ubuntu from the Windows store and set up the default user on first launch, then sudo should already be configured on behalf of the default user. Startup is intentionally being slowed down to show this message host="tcp://" Fourth part: Run this line to start your Docker every time you need it. But since I had no success, I went on. If not, you can obtain the user id with id -u myusername and check your list of WSL distros with (in Powershell) wsl -l. Then, use the following command in Powershell, but use your WSL distro name in place of "Alpine" and use your user id in place of "1000": Whichever method you use, test by logging out of WSL, and then log back in. Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first, I like Innovation, technical challenges and to participate to projects like (Innovations at CES, Time and Forbes : ), Head of a team liking technology challenges @ Alizent (Group Air Liquide). From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine? Privacy Policy, This website uses cookies and Google Analytics to ensure you get the best experience on our website. About. Custom installations are also a great option with WSL 2. I'll share later in a response to this comment. git enables Scoop to update itself. FDB9 561F CC5F 4399 744C 6441 13DF E453 0C28 527B, Software Developer at Abstract Matters (self-employed), Software Engineering Operations Lead at Biamp Systems. Also note that a boot command in /etc/wsl.conf is only available on Windows 11. Reconnecting module=grpc sudo dockerd. Use Podman on Windows to build custom WSL distro images. A couple of updates when running in Windows 11H2 (and Ubuntu 22.04 in my case): 1) systemd is now native in Windows 11H2, BUT needs an updated WSL2 install (I was using WSL v0.63 and I believe native systemd support is in v0.68 onwards) - otherwise you get, Upgrading WSL to latest version means that updating /etc/wsl.conf with.

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