which feature of oops described the reusability of code?

The term object in object-oriented programming refers to a specific instance of a class. Hence, it can be used to bundle the functions and data but not for code reusability. Q) Which C++ oops feature is related to re-usability? Keep complicated information hidden from the user. 16. Because of their differing orientations, the father was concerned that he may not be able to teach his son how to shoot. Object oriented programming can be described as a programming model which is based upon the concept of objects. It is an identifiable entity that can have some descriptive properties. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. In each application you create, you may employ a variety of objects of various sorts. Chapter 4. This concept is often used to hide the internal state representation of an object from the outside. C Inheritance. It provides a mechanism for establishing relationships and building hierarchies of class in object composition. c) Inline function b) 6 1. c. Polymorphism. b) Polymorphism Objects contain data in the form of attributes and code in the form of methods. Explanation: Inheritance allows you to reuse your already written code by inheriting the properties of written code into other parts of the code, hence allowing you to reuse the already written code. 2004. OOps in java is to improve code readability and reusability by defining a Java program efficiently. Which feature of OOP indicates code reusability? We use a library, saying reuse would sound dumb. Data abstraction is one of the most essential and important feature of object oriented programming in C++. It doesnt support multiple inheritance. Java OOP. The class that provides its attributes is known as the base class and the class that accepts those attributes is known as a derived class. This feature is dependent on the programming language used. View Answer, 12. And finally the body of class. (15 marks) B5 a) Describe TWO features of object oriented programming languages that promote code reuse. Take, for example, your mobile phone. Everything in OOP is grouped as self-sustainable objects. Java is secure due to the following reasons: Java programs run inside a virtual machine which is known as a sandbox. Q3. Which feature may be violated if we dont use classes in a program? View Answer, 10. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series - Object Oriented Programming (OOP). The main idea behind Object Oriented Programming is simplicity, code reusability, extendibility, and security. Which of the following pairs are similar? See 10 tips on writing reusable code for some help. d) Virtual Function The following are the concepts in OOPs-Object; Class; Inheritance . Encapsulation is an extension of abstraction. Reusability of the code can be achieved in CPP through inheritance. private (or class-private) specifiers restrict the entrance to the class itself. There are also classes and objects. With inheritance, an object can be extended and code from the parent object can be reused or overloaded in the child object. Because a The features listed below are common among languages considered to be strongly class- and object-oriented (or The term is Greek and it loosely translates to "many forms". Because there are 4 OOPS concepts in Java, and they are: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, And Abstraction. All the other options are incorrect and do not indicate code reusability except Inheritance. Which feature of OOP indicates code reusability? The concept of object-oriented programming models real-world entities very well. Procedural Programming follows top-down approach, meaning a program is viewed as a series of sequential steps. Encapsulation Inheritance Abstraction Polymorphism. Following are the features of Inheritance described. Create two files for each class using the C/C++ convention: a header file for the classs code (. LIVE Course for free. Which of the following is not a feature of pure OOP? And Compilation is not a part of the OOPS concept in Java. Encapsulation Polymorphism Inheritance Abstraction Question 39 (3 points) Write the Java code to declare an Array called "studentScoresArray" that contain scores (100, 55, 77, 22, 44, 88). Answer: The 4 basic features are inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and abstraction. The fundamental purpose of OOP is to connect data and required functions so that no other section of the code may access them. 10) Which operator from the following can be used to illustrate the feature of polymorphism? Encapsulation keeps state private so that we can better enforce . Programmers can then establish procedural code that governs data accessibility and makes it easy to add new functionality as applications and software architectures evolve over time. OOPs Interview Questions. Were expected to make two distinct sorts of polygons: a Rectangle and a Triangle. An object is a self-contained segment with the attributes and processes needed to make data usable in programming terms. Which Oops is accepted to reuse the code? Object-Oriented Security is the practice of using common object-oriented design patterns as a mechanism for access control. Java does not support explicit pointer. The concept of code reusability is based on inheritance, in which a class can inherit the properties and functions of an existing well-written class. Example of polymorphism in real life is a kid . It enables code reusability by allowing a new class. View Answer, 3. a) Always true for any programming language a) Instance of a class b) Instance of itself c) Child of a class d) Overview of a class 5. OO reuse is much the same as non-OO reuse. Object-oriented programming system is what OOPs stands for. (10 marks) b) Name THREE different types of polymorphism commonly available in object oriented programming languages, giving code examples to support your answer. Parent classes, in other words, extend properties and behaviors to child classes. This set of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on OOP Features. 15)ArrayList is a part of which of the following sub packages? Data Abstraction can be achieved in two ways: Abstraction using classes: An abstraction can be achieved using classes. View Answer, 14. View the full answer. Generics in Ada and classes in object-oriented languages promote code reuse. Q) What C++ oops feature has something to do with reusability? It cant be called as parent or instance of an object. One of the most practical examples of encapsulation is a school bag. As hardware and software became increasingly complex, manageability often became a concern. A user can reuse its code once written and can save space and memory of code. Polymorphism is an object-oriented programming language feature that allows a routine to use variables of various types at different times. Objects. Inheritance indicates code reusability, which is a feature of OOPS, whereas all other options do not represent OOPS features. View Answer, 13. c) Encapsulation only is violated Click card to see definition . If a function can perform more than 1 type of tasks, where the function name remains same, which feature of OOP is used here? 11. a) Abstraction b) Encapsulation c) Polymorphism d) Inheritance* 10) Which operator from the following can be used to illustrate the feature of polymorphism? Object . These concepts of sighting the OOPS features correspondence in I look at OOP as more of a way to interact with objects and abstract away the details of the data structure. Kindly show your support by joining our family to receive more such content via email. It lets us write generic code: which will work with a range of data, so we don't have to write basic stuff over and over again. Which of the following is the feature of Object-Oriented Programming described the reusability of code? A class addition contains two add() methods, one with arguments int a and int b and the other with three integer parameters, int a, int b, and int c. As a result, the add() function is considered overloaded. 2. This article explains the fundamental concepts of OOP and its most significant advantages. Method overriding and method overloading are two ways that polymorphism enables the same method to perform various actions. The term encapsulation (or OOP Encapsulation) is used in object-oriented computer programming languages to refer to the bundling of data and the methods that operate on it into a single unit. Which operator from the following can be used to illustrate the feature of, 11)In which of the following can we implement polymorphism, 13)which of the following is not a type of Inheritance, 14)Which of the following has a syntax error. a) Inheritance Explanation: Inheritance indicates the code reusability. For example, a person, it can have attributes like name, age, gender and behaviour such as talking and walking. b) Inheritance If a function can perform more than 1 type of tasks, where the function name remains same, which feature of OOP is used here? 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Inheritance is mainly used for code reusability. . I know that schools ask questions like this and expect you to say inheritance. The Objects Oriented Programming (OOP) is constructed over four major principles: ADT, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism. Further, one is, object use is must, secondly, message passing and lastly, Dynamic binding. It emphasizes data and security and provides the reusability of code. Explanation: Inheritance is the feature of OOPS, which allows the users of OOPS to reuse the code which is already written. View Answer. The function Object() { [native code] } in PHP 5.0 is the function _construct (). Explanation: OOP does not have platform independence. Object-oriented programming necessitates planning and thinking about the programs structure before starting to code and examining how to decompose the requirements into basic, reusable classes that you may utilize to create object instances. c) Message passing With the help of a simple example, it may be comprehended in simple words. a) Encapsulation. c) Operator overloading Question 2. The class is instantiated into instances of itself referred to as class instances or simply objects. View Answer, 9. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is defined as a programming paradigm (and not a specific language) built on the concept of objects, i.e., a set of data contained in fields, and code, indicating procedures - instead of the usual logic-based system. a) Code reusability b) Modularity c) Duplicate/Redundant data d) Efficient Code View Answer Answer: c Explanation: Duplicate/Redundant data is dependent on programmer and hence cant be guaranteed by OOP. Students (upto class 10+2) preparing for All Government Exams, CBSE Board Exam, ICSE Board Exam, State Board Exam, JEE (Mains+Advance) and NEET can ask questions from any subject and get quick answers by subject teachers/ experts/mentors/students. Ivan Sutherlands seminal Sketchpad application was an early inspiration for OOP. Some features of Object Oriented programming are as follows: Emphasis on data rather than procedure; Programs are divided into Objects feature in object oriented programming languages . Consider the following scenario: you wish to store two numbers for the same individual in an object-oriented language such as Java. Inheritance feature is used for concept of code re-usability as in inheritance a class can inherit properties and functions of existing well written class. OOP allows decomposition of a problem into a number of entities called objects and then builds data and functions around these objects. APIs provide a mechanism to enable code reuse. Because Java compiles as bytecode which then runs inside a Virtual machine, it cannot access the computer it runs on like a natively compiled program can. a) Encapsulation b) Inheritance c) Abstraction d) Polymorphism View Answer. View Answer, 3. Explanation: Inheritance is the feature of OOPS, which allows the users of OOPS to reuse the code which is already written. Answer: b Explanation: Inheritance indicates the code reusability. OOP concepts (OOP) intend to improve code readability and reusability by defining how to structure a Java program efficiently. In laymans terms, the attributes that you inherit from your parents are a simple illustration of inheritance. OOPs can be defined as: A modular approach where data and functions can be combined into a single unit known as an object. It refers to the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data. Explanation: Inheritance indicates the code reusability. Multiple inheritance is not supported. You may do this by storing the second number under the same name as the first. Which feature in OOP is used to allocate additional function to a predefined operator in any language? A properly defined class can be reused, giving way to code reusability. Code reuse is the practice of using existing code for a new function or software. The main principles of object-oriented programming are abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. a) Nested class Along with Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism, Inheritance forms the backbone of Object-oriented programming and Java. Constructors may be overloaded, which means that multiple argument lists can be used with the same name. Prototyping is another name for inheritance in JavaScript. Shark APEX, Quality is paramount. OOPs Concepts: 1 Class 2 Objects 3 Data Abstraction 4 Encapsulation 5 Inheritance 6 Polymorphism 7 Dynamic Binding 8 Message Passing It has a few logically different objects which communicate with each other according to the rules defined in the program. We can solve real-world problems if we are using object-oriented programming. It was designed to improve upon existing concepts in C. C# powers the Microsoft .NET framework alongside many web apps, games, desktop apps, and mobile apps. b) Inheritance. A very common example of code reuse is the technique of using a software library. (15 marks) B5 a) Describe TWO features of object oriented programming languages that promote code reuse. Which of the following is the feature of Object-Oriented Programming described the reusability of code? Question 38: Answer: Inheritance Explanation: The reusability of code is possible using inheritance. These functions are specified inside the class and execute an action beneficial to that particular object type. Hipparchus Hipparchus Between 162 and 127 BC, he was known to be a working astronomer. If a function can perform more than 1 type of tasks, where the function name remains same, which feature of OOP is used here?

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