queen elizabeth us visit 1991

Queen Elizabeth II, left, and Governor of Texas Ann Richards pause before receiving guests at the Museum of Fine Arts on Wednesday, May 23, 1991 in Houston. Prince Philip, first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Queen Elizabeth, and President John F. Kennedy in 1961. By Rachel Tillman International. The queen, who'd turned 65 a month earlier, arrived at Miami International Airport from Washington on the Concorde supersonic jetliner that afternoon, the Miami Herald reported. Here are a few of the images captured that day by Star-Telegram photographers. The Queen discussed the spirit of democracy that is shared by the U.S. and Great Britain and mentioned several instances during the 20th century in which the U.S. and Great Britain fought for the same cause, calling for the two countries to continue to fight for common values through the social instrument of the United Nations.Download the FREE C-SPAN Now App. The queen, with Prince Philip at her side, briefly spoke with the school performers afterwards. Queen Elizabeth II (left) and U.S. President George H.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. - The late Queen Elizabeth II visited Washington D.C. in May 1991. Queen Elizabeth II is welcomed by a child upon her arrival during a private visit to the U.S. During her 1991 visit, Elizabeth addressed Congress. Arlington, TX 76019, Allowed HTML tags: