mars in pisces man venus in pisces woman

He can actually think quite badly of himself and have confidence problems. She is undoubtedly the most intimate and caring woman of the zodiac, and dating such a woman could be more than interesting! However, even though he might have an idea about future disappointments, society pushes him into the corner, and his urge to meet the fated one seals the deal. Pisces is changeable, allowing her to do this, and its often lovely at first for her partner to have theirideal mate. He has a Gemini moon, Leo Venus. You are better able to hold yourself accountable when there is someone there to witness. Venus in Pisces has the tendency to conform into whatever they think others want. This results in a tendency to mirror the people around you in terms of opinions and emotions. When I'm in love I feel like I lose all sense of responsibility unless it involves my relationship. One of your best skills is seeing exactly what people are capable of even if they cant see it themselves, and helping them to believe in it. Men born under this combination are great friends to have. For example, Mars in Pisces men can sometimes have addiction problems, if they rest of their chart supports this. At the same time, nothing feels stable, so it can be difficult to discern the truth. Not sure where Mars is in your birth chart? While she is genuine in all her interactions, she is also an intuitive flirt, so she has no trouble attracting whoever she is interested in. It can be tough to understand a Venus in Pisces when they dont completely understand themselves, but at the end of the day, they just want tofeel understood and want a deep, spiritual connection. They usually find some round about way to express their anger that does not involve a direct confrontation. Every placement has both good and bad qualities. Being this much obsessed with finding a soul mate and forming a heart-bonding relationship, the man born with Venus in Pisces can forget to look at the person beside him closer, thus inviting individuals who have ill intentions in their lives. Mars is known as the planet of war and its position in your natal chart is indicative of your more volatile characteristics. Aries and Leo connect through a. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Neptune has made 7 stressful aspects ever since it entered Pisces, including to my ASC, MC, Sun and Moon, Venus, Uranus and Neptune, all in mutable signs. The goal for the Venus in Pisces woman is to be a relationship that is bothromantic andreal. When youre acting on your attraction, you arent forceful. by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 25, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. The Venus in Pisces man is sensitive and vulnerable inside, and once he shows this to someone its hard for him to come back from. She has a dramatic flair and can be involved in really emotional fights if she feels hurt or wounded. He needs to know that his partner will love him no matter what. See our Mars sign tables. When they like someone, they fall completely in love, head over heals. Mars in Pisces man has a passionate and strong-willed nature. You are especially adept at feeling out your partners deeper needs and desires. He might unconsciously attract women who feel bad for him and want to care for him. They genuinely care about people and feel things quite deeply. You quickly build up energy because you feel so acutely. They possess such extreme emotions they may suffer from mood swings. This can result in periodic episodes when you need to take time out and try and find yourself again. This astrological placement gives you an innate desire for peace and harmony, something that comes naturally to everyone born with Mars in Pisces. Those that see the world in a different, slightly more colored light, the ones who know that the world is filled with unsolved mysteries and enigmas. Your high level of empathy means that it is easy for you to see and understand things from the perspective of others. Venus in Pisces: Those who have Venus in Pisces are extremely sensitive and are able to do everything to satisfy their loved one. No dream is too big! This means that you are most compatible with Mars in Leo or Mars in Taurus. These outbursts might be uncontrollable and sporadic. His feelings are honest and pure. They are always day dreaming, imagining, worrying. Traditionally, only my Venus should show, but clearly the tradition rules are just guidelines that arent always exact. Mars in Pisces folks can have some personally painful emotional ups and downs. Women worry about their path toward self destruction and men admire their unwavering commitment to their beliefs and their cause. Verbal expressions of affection are less important to you than exchanges of feelings. The Mars in Pisces woman is extremely nurturing and caring, providing plenty of understanding and support to her partner. His partners are always worried that he will self-destruct so they tend to be more concerned about his needs than their own. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'astrologyowl_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_12',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Dislikes: You will dislike feeling invalidated. Most likely, he will slowly get closer to someone he likes and try to build an emotional connection until they begin to reciprocate his feelings. It is also your tendency to want to talk things through at length, rather than keep things to yourself. Deep down, you fear getting hurt, and rejection is something you try very much to avoid, as it can run deep. Celebrities born under Mars in Pisces include Heath Ledger, Denzel Washington, Marilyn Monroe, and Billie Eilish. However, this is the path to happiness. She will need some practice; its very difficult for a Venus in Pisces woman to discern reality from fantasy when shes young. It can be really difficult for the Venus in Pisces woman to get a clear handle on the idea of love. 0 . These men are usually very beautiful and mysterious. Libra When youre devoted, you will see something through to the end, no matter the cost. They can be very self involved thinking their personal drama is the most important thing in the world. The vitality is often low. What are the signs of Venus and Mars in your natal chart? Your fantasies mostly exist around being saved. You also have a tendency to mirror whoever you are with, so you are highly changeable as you move between different social groups. Over time, the Mars in Pisces woman will learn how to discern whats real and to use her gut feelings in relationships. Emotional intelligence is generally accompanied by creativity, and this is certainly true of you. You need to find single man and pisces woman. Like many people, a cancer man likes fame, recognition and money. The Mars in Pisces man is the definition of charm. Check out this book on Amazon. Youre not competitive with anyone except yourself. Mars in Gemini and Venus in Pisces horoscope compatibility for marriage Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so when Mars enters Gemini, put this energy into overdrive. Aquarius venus, Leo mars) and him a Taurus (Gemini moon, Aries rising, Gemini venus, Aries mars) we are very similar but also very different at the same time. They are often very open sexually, often experimenting with many different avenues of sexuality. You tend to underestimate the quality of your work and can be a bit shy about sharing it with other people. He tends dive in headfirst, but at some point, the mystery will disappear as he gets to know who his partner really is. This placement can give artistic talent, a strong sense of idealism, and refined tastes in music and the arts. He is a strong, independent and assertive man. She loves all things posh, including manners, dressing style, speaking . Venus in Pisces, Mars in Pisces Your Venus is in a Water sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. If you have Venus in Pisces, you have a tendency to be attracted to someone who needs help or who comes with a few issues. Even though the Mars in Pisces man cantake a lot from his lover, he doesnt actually think he is better than anyone. The Mars in Pisces man is sensitive, compassionate and very intuitive. Its easy for the Mars in Pisces woman to be out of touch with who her partner really is. His intuition tells him about the motivations of the people around him, about the social masks that they don when out in society, and about the real desires inside each of them. They are loyal, caring, compassionate, and playful. Men with Mars in Pisces may or may not be very competitive. Some partners may consider you to be indirect and even roundabout. He wants to have an ideal relationship, to find perfection, to find a way to accomplish his fantasies, the dreams hes always had. You can expect women born under Mars in Pisces are natural caregivers without falling into "mother" roles . The Venus in Pisces man prefers women that are the traditional feminine auras. Generally, in a man, Mars will showhow he acts to attract,whether consciously or subconsciously, and Venus will showwhat kind of qualities he is attracted to. You gained valuable skills during this journey which you desire to use to heal the people around you. Since Mars Pisces is so open and often without boundaries, many instinctively protect themselves by staying in the background. You find it more difficult than most to share your partner, requiring loyalty from them, although you are also a very understanding person and generally quite forgiving. Since the Moon is the ruling planet of the Cancer woman, her mood is variable the same way as the lunar cycle is; bright and dark, high or low. You may be very passive or even a little detached, but this is only because youre invested in your own daydream. They act on dreams, emotional states, and spiritual longings. You have a lot of room for error on the part of others, but if you feel like this care isnt returned over time, you will eventually be emotionally drained. Most importantly, if his partner doesnt fulfill his expectations and desires, he might seek solace in the arms of another. The Venus in Pisces Woman: Get to Know Her Better, Venus in Pisces: Key Personality Traits in Love and Life, The Venus in Aries Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Aries Woman: Get to Know Her Better, The Venus in Taurus Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Taurus Woman: Get to Know Her Better. For a Venus in Pisces person, love is a mystical experience. Youre also attracted to how youfeel around someone. Many of your emotions are unconscious so its nearly impossible for you to control them. Others may struggle to understand this, but its simply the way youre wired with Mars in Pisces. Intimacy is very important to you, but you can smother others if you are feeling insecure. Just be honest, straightforward, and be sensitive above all else. No one and nothing else matters to him because his emotions are what drive him. In a woman, Mars will showwhat kind of qualities she is attracted to,while Venus will showhow she acts to attract. She does want to be swept off her feet and treated like a fairytale princess. He needs just one word to describe his behavior: fierce. A Venus in Pisces man is usually an initiator, at least at first, so hes attracted to women who give him a chance to properly initiate instead of doing it themselves. Intellectual reasoning wont help you; something must personally and emotionally tie you to a project in order to keep you engaged. Many celebrities with Mars in Pisces are extremely artistic or spiritual. Mars in Pisces is sensitive to the subtle vibrations that occur when two people come together in love. Most people with this placement love learning about alternate worlds in fiction; they generally like having an escape from real life through fairy-tales. The man knows that financially, he is not on his own. They are creative, intuitive, and sensitive. You are also very good at helping to identify common ground for people, even when it is very small in the grand scheme of things. The man born with Venus in Pisces recognizes his need for a soul mate, and hes seeking for the one that manages, at least partially, to escape this social conformism, the vicious circle or pretense, and self-deceit. These guys will definitely shy away from anyone who is too aggressive or angry; they prefer their partners gentle. They are always day dreaming, imagining, worrying. You tend to respect tradition, and your sexual nature may be a tad conservative, but extremely passionate as well. The Venus in Pisces women are very intuitive and reflexive. Venus in Pisces men are usually straight forward thinkers but they may appear dreamy or foggy. You are artistic and creative, and may be fond of music and poetry. She has a wonderfully kind heart, and almost always wants to help out others. With Venus in Pisces, your tastes might be slightly erratic. The Venus in Pisces woman will have an etherial, dreamy aspect to her character that potential partners will sense from across the room. They are compassionate and empathetic towards the sufferings of others. Sometimes its seems like they are suffering just for the sake of suffering. In extreme cases, there can be celibacy and a denial of physical pleasure. It is easy for you not only to see things from other peoples perspectives, but truly understand their perspectives. He has always dreamt about the perfect woman, the ideal lover that would complete him. Is your Venus in a different sign? Sometimes, you enjoy the idea of the chase. Sexually, youre turned on by romance, secrecy, privacy, and emotional power imbalances. It is not surprising at all that many performing artists and musicians also share this placement! In their lives they truly believe they are no better than anyone, and that makes them better than everyone. Its important to learn about both Venus and Mars. Though this can sometimes lead to an overly pragmatic approach to matters of the heart, Venus in the sign of the Goat usually meets her love goals. A man who has his Mars in Aries may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Leo. Men born with Mars in Pisces are often introverted and dreamy. She has strong intuition and great emotional intelligence. This man is considered the very definition of romance and all things beautiful. Ideally, they will do a bit of self work and learn how to discern whats true and whats false without giving up the romantic aura that they crave. When you are born under Mars in Pisces, you are motivated by seeing other people happy and successful. Those with Venus in Pisces like romance and tenderness. She is imaginative, creative and talented. Romance: When in love you have a great sense of respect and admiration for your partner. The ideal career choice for a man with this placement is to be a therapist, teacher, musician, poet, psychologist or a writer. A man having Mars in Pisces can seem puzzling. You prefer sex in the shower to the bedroom. She desires an intensely spiritual reunion that feels 100% right, but her lesson is to learn that life on earth takeswork. The Mars in Pisces person is artistic, selfless, and kind. They will harm themselves before they harm someone else. They are not the types to do conventional expressions of love like sending flowers or buying expensive gifts. Sometimes, the Mars in Pisces man can even have insecurity about how emotional he is. Venus in Water, Mars in Water (Romantic Water, Watery Desires): You are most receptive to emotional expressions of affection. Venus in Earth, Mars in Water (Romantic Earth, Watery Desires): You want stability and reliability in your relationships, but you also require emotional bonding and intimacy. It can be really scary for Mars in Pisces people to look at their feelings because they haveso many of them. This guy needs to be accepted for who he is, which can be a mystery to many. He has many mood swings, so the initial meeting will depend on where in his mood cycle he is. He is capable of the deepest emotions for his partner, a wholehearted affection that goes beyond what others experience. Here are the most common qualities with the Venus in Pisces placement. Hes very emotionally unstable, his various reactions being the talk of the town. If you have this placement, you might feel like things are always changing in your relationships, even your own mind. Read more about Venus in Pisces and compatibility. Theyre a funny mix of odd and romantic. She has an air of mystery around her. Practicality will certainly kill your drive. People born under Mars in Pisces dont like conflict and will rarely engage in outright confrontation. You gravitate towards the needy or the underdogs because imbalance intrigues you. These individuals are the ones who will readily seek new adventures, not only because of their curiosity but also because they want to offer help or provide assistance wherever it is needed. Mars in Pisces can have a very simple outlook on life, with an almost childlike sense of wonder and curiosity. Finding a soul mate, a person with whom to share all the moments of happiness, someone whom to support him in times of need, is his greatest desire. Click If the people in your life question your experiences or minimize them you will immediately shut down. With Mars in Pisces, you have a strong need for love. He wants a lover who will complete him and show obvious signs of love and affection without asking for anything in return. He wants his love interest to know that he will take care of them emotionally by making them feel safe and happy. Scorpio Pisces Mars Man Men born with Mars in Pisces are often introverted and dreamy. Ideally, she will end up with someone who is also a bit responsible and steady. Daily life can feel very difficult for you. . With his touch of spirituality and shy demeanor, he is somewhat of an enigma to others. Those with Venus in Pisces usually havesomething that feels gentle and dreamy about their looks. When she first meets someone, she will unconsciously conform to be what they want. Men born under Mars in Pisces probably seem a bit like your favorite teacher in high school. The biggest lesson with Mars in Pisces is to learn how to create emotional boundaries between yourself and others. When it comes to passion, you like the idea of being saved. They like to protect the people that they care about. Here are the main ways that Venus in Pisces shows up. The Venus Piscean man deserves to be loved for all eternity just for being this sensitive and affectionate. The difficulty for a Venus in Pisces man comes after he has been in a relationship for a while. Virgo She will either get stuck in an unhappy, longterm relationship, or she will flee when she realizes her partner isnt what she projected. Sometimes they are too nice though. Mars in Taurus also likes to play the role of the savior and to be in command in every aspect of a relationship. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. A Man with Mars in Pisces will say the exact words you want to hear. They have charisma and confidence to their name. Transiting Mars in Pisces can indicate a desire to be kind and compassionate to people in crisis, for example by helping refugees or the homeless. The aggressive and assertive tendencies of Mars are watered down in Pisces. When you are born under Mars in Pisces, sexually you are attracted to someone who will dominate you, but you also need a sensitive soul. Because you thrive on emotions and fantasies, being forced to be practical hurts your motivation. You need to be careful not to start believing in your own martyrdom. What Drives You: Mars in Pisces in the natal chart will influence the native to be driven towards liminal spaces meaning the places between the worlds. Its almost impossible for you to separate sex and love. Pisces woman here, dating a Capricorn man. They see themselves as martyrs and often put themselves in situations where they know they will be defeated just so that they can later be exalted in some way. What a person with Venus in Pisces needs to learn is that this love doesnt happen instantly. Mars in Leo is a very dominant character, and they also have a savior complex. This can stir people to anger, jealousy, and even rage as they experience your Mars energy as their own. The typical Venus in Pisces woman is a thoughtful listener who will empathize even if she doesnt know the person well. They are incredibly sweet, caring, affectionate, and gentile. There is almost no in-between. This post may contain affiliate links. They have a highly romantic nature. They are willing to put their hand in the fire, walk on the coals, take the punches, and that makes them the bravest. When in a relationship, it can dissolve into love itself. Archetypes: Prophetess, Nurse, Wounded Healerif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'astrologyowl_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-medrectangle-4-0'); What Drives You: Mars in Pisces in the natal chart will influence the native to be driven towards liminal spaces meaning the places between the worlds. Your moods change often so your drive is likely to change, too. He enjoys traveling to places that are not too crowded.. Look However, you also forgive easily, even if your partner has done something that feels completely unforgivable. Such sudden ups and downs have so much intensity that they may even become physically ill over them. He respects his lover with all his heart and loves her unconditionally. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use.

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