field grade officer oer character comments

The report is forwarded to the HQDA. Unequivocally, all fiscal year 2017 lieutenant colonel selectees had at least one "most qualified" officer evaluation report (OER) during their key developmental (KD) positions. 2. o Updates policy authorizing officer evaluation reports for United States Army Reserve officers in the rank of major general (paras 1-7 and 3-2). However, with our pre-built online templates, everything gets simpler. Senior Rater Bullet Comments; what is best for promotion boards? Comments and Help with electrical outage report example forms. They have a total of 22 years in Major key development positions . The below comments are not to replace the Army's definition, nor are . This came as quite a surprise to me and definitely caught me off guard. 1. All officers need an advocate to portray their narrative during the assignment process. The documents hosted in the ACO Learning Center come from various sources. I understand that he recently got in a fight at the base Club and is now subject to administrative action under the UCMJ. Describe incidents where he was encouraged to cut corners or leave his post but refused. An effective character statement focuses on specifics. The people who will read your character statement don't know the individual personally, want to judge him or her fairly, and are depending on you to accurately and honestly describe the subject's character. His military presence was something that even many of his superiors adored, including myself. Discuss job description and performance objectives with rated officer within 30 days. (3) (b) The rater will ensure that the rated officer or rated NCO receives a copy of the rater's and senior rater's support forms. His drive and motivation played a key role in the accomplishment of the Unit's mission: taking civilians, turning them into Infantrymen and training them to be the Force's future leaders. SHARP, EO, and EEO. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SPC Joe J. Smith. This is the most important promotion statistic about going from major to lieutenant colonel. The goal is to achieve diversity of thought, so officers should have multiple mentors to avoid a myopic assignment approach. 30 days or first drill if reserve component. For example, assuming there is nothing unusually good or bad to say about an officer, what have you put down for Character and . He carried himself with respect, maturity, honor, and never ceased to display Marine Corps Values. All officers are leaders, regardless of duty position. In my professional opinion, SSgt Trejo has always confidently displayed what it means to be a U.S Marine. In my professional opinion as one of his mentors, and as a witness of SSG Deleon's moral character, I truly believe that he is an asset to the United States Army. (Adherence)to)Army)Values . EMAIL ADDRESS (.gov or .mil) . My name is Gunnery Sergeant DeKinderen, Todd M., the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) G-3 Headquarters SNCOIC. MARY M. BELLA, CPT, USA Thanks! SUPERSEDED DA FORM 67-10-2, 11/01/2015. The Ultimate Field Grade Officer Survival Guide. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. I believe SPC Smith has the potential we seek in our Soldiers. O-6s typically attend the Army War College. At that time, LCpl Trejo displayed himself in a manner that was well above reproach. 45- The MSAF programs was eliminated June 08. # 1: S4 Officer APD$LC$v1.00ES!!!HQDA#:'! Thanks! The more distant the relationship, the more credible the letter will be perceived to be. If possible, these additional positive attributes should overlap with or complement your main assertion. I understand that he must be held accountable for his actions and punishment will be administered. Making the alternate list is an accomplishment in itself because there is still a chance to receive a command based on declinations, deferments, or other actions that may require a change in leadership. Officers' personal assignment considerations are the last aspect in the assignments process. The DA Form 67-10-2 evaluates an applicant's ability to perform duties and assesses their character. Officers normally serve 36 months in an assignment, and the YMAV or DEROS is usually in the last month. new year new NCOER program this helps a lot! Theoretically, each assignment officer will touch approximately 68 percent of their assigned population over a span of two years. Good mentorship and leadership will provide him the foundation he requires to continue to be an asset. NAME:! I am directly responsible to my commanding officer for the effective and efficient daily operations and mission. o is a motivated troop but needs further guidance in o has unlimited potential but requires more experience before o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision, o failed to use time wisely, consistently failed to complete duty assignments, o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness, o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices, o needed to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers, o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills, o understood his role as a senior leader but failed to contribute to the mission, o failed to keep track of the Soldiers under his supervision, o sometimes requires supervision on how to talk to Soldiers, o demonstrated poor judgement without consideration of results, o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills, o good Soldier, but fails to self improve by applying sound personal management skills, o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results, o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates, o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example. Assignment officers are concerned with the "faces" aspect, which is based on their routine communication with the population completing the process. Size:60.77 KB. To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. The end state is getting the right Soldier with the right qualifications to the right place at the right time. I am currently a Recruiter in Talladega and an active member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. DA Form 67-10-2. They command between 300 and 1,000 Marines. !! I am positive that he will thoroughly think things through and never make another decision without basing it off of our core Army Values. field grade officer oer character commentsaiken county sc register of deeds field grade officer oer character comments What bullet point examples have you seen for "Achieves" in the new Army NCOER form? I will have honorably served for 15 years come June 2021. Purpose: Provides evaluation information for use by successive members of the rating chain, emphasizes and reinforces professionalism, and supports the specialty focus of Officer Professional Management System (OPMS). In addition, I have had the opportunity during the last month to interact with him during PT sessions three times a week. I am writing this character statement in support of SrA Morrison. If detailed data is not submitted, units leave the decision to assignment officers who may not have complete information to assign the officer who is best suited to the unit's mission. Networking at the field-grade level is integral to continuing career progression. o motivated and challenged peers through leadership by example. I first met SGT Jones in April 2011 at WLC, on Ft Stewart. However, officers must develop realistic plans that mitigate risks to accomplish their overall career goals. Medical support, educational interests, or exploration opportunities are all worth consideration. Family considerations should carry enormous weight during the assignments process. However, officers must understand that not all advice is relevant. To this end, this Generally, the rule of thumb is that officers should have two OERs in a KD position. 3. d. Evaluation Reporting System process. #3) Be descriptive, both qualitatively and . Sample Army OER Rater Bullet# 1. For example, a central theme of respect for authority and a natural willingness to follow orders would be supported by additional positive attributes of dedication to duty, an understanding of the need for order, and a positive attitude. No less than 6 hours. At the very least, a suspended discharge would allow SPC Smith the opportunity to continue his service while demonstrating his commitment to the Army. One of HRC's goals is to ensure complete transparency during the assignments process. Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that . Furthermore, I served with CW3 Texas-Ranger in Fort Hood, TX, and Bagram, Afghanistan. My most humble request is that you allow him to continue service. Assignment officers need time to work on special circumstances that require external coordination, such as by-name requests, nominations, and accommodations for enrollees in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and Married Army Couples Program. Over 1,000 Rater and Senior Rater bullets for NCOERs and OERs. The prosecution will methodically present arguments proving their case by focusing on specific traits and if you want to have any hope of defending your pal, you must present specific examples in your statement. The reader will automatically assign a certain level of credibility to the letter based on the relationship. Finally, the remaining branch-immaterial jobs are filled. thank you Sir!! " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. We should not expend all of our energy on the top 10 percent while the remaining 90 percent are the men and women operating the organization. The final pages of the OER Support Form defines them for the Army. He would selflessly sacrifice his time on countless occasions, in order to lift the weight off his struggling peer's backs. An evaluation philosophy accomplishes three goals. He holds a master's degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies. If you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of further assistance, I can be reached at DSN 123-4567. Some of these are more obvious than others, but some are not so much. ". Nominative assignments are continual and do not necessarily align with a specific cycle. - Develops. Satisfied. I know of a couple of conflicts with his coworkers/peers. Officers must understand how their assignment officers assess them in relation to their peers. The body is the majority of the letter. Every resource available on OER Commons contains an . 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