loud house fanfiction lost brother

Clyde: >to Lincoln< And Lincoln, how do you fell about Simon's opinion on SpongeBob? "Oh, very well," said Lincoln as he opened the door. Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? (The boys started getting into a fight cloud, then the storm out of the room while Sam and Luna completely dodged their fight cloud and eventually the twins, Lisa and Lily witnessed the whole fight, the fight cloud goes back downstairs and then Luna and Sam grabbed both of the boys and kept them away from each other). ticket, or she gives Lincoln a Rip Hardcore backpack for Christmas even though he gave it to Chandler, then Luna snaps back into reality and realized that she had no right to be mad at Lincoln for the rest of her life). "Thank you for watching," said Steve, "please remember to dispose of any soda cups, popcorn containers, and candy wrappers as you exit the theater. Time 17m. With that, Steve went downstairs to join the rest of the family as well as the Santiagos and the McBrides at James & Co.'s house. "Goodbye, everyone," said Lincoln as a tear trickled down his face. "Lincoln: "Yes! (She gives Lincoln two thumbs up for doing the right thing, until). "I assume one of the girls was involved, right," asked Steve. "Well," said Rita, "I suppose it'll be OK if we had you two staying with us. Lynn: >angered< ALRIGHT, WHICH ONE OF YOU CHUMPS BEAT MY HIGH SCORE IN BASKET BALL HOOPS?!?! Guess he likes more than one thing.Luke: "Hmmm, I also enjoy music. "Hey," though Lincoln, "that sounds like Butch!". Back in Piperville, after having a dinner of franks and beans, Lincoln gathered all of his things and got ready for the journey back to Royal Woods. Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< MCANN. Lincoln: Ugh. Lincoln: Apparently I'm the only boy in the family, I have exactly ten sisters, currently Lori my eldest sister is in college. (It then cuts back to Lincoln and Simon arguing while in the Den). (The two boys starting fighting again and they both form a fight cloud, the fight cloud than forms into a tornado like structure now called a "fight-nado", the fight-nado then goes into the cow pasture and sheep pasture smashing the fence, then it creates a hole into the barn and then it smashes a fence into the pig pen and scares off the pigs, then the fight-nado gets bigger as it goes to the strawfields, Liam now riding Ellie Mae grabs his lasso and wrangles both of the boys and stop the fight-nado, it then cuts to both of the boys and Luna and Sam as they left Liam's farm, both of the girls scolded their respected brothers). Simon: Sorry Lincoln but Ace Savvy is a good Superhero, but I wouldn't say he's the greatest superhero ever, that honor belongs to my favorite superhero >shows comic< "Scorpion", she's one of the greatest super heroines out there. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, User blog:Thunderbird1InternationalRescue, whenthe family went to Piperville, Vermont, BEATING YOUR BROTHER UP OVER A 25-CENT PIECE. Butch then collected the mail and noticed the envelope Lori had sent. This is a lost episode of The Loud House, which is titled as "Enough Is Enough". ", "Yeah," said Mark, "the best in the Northeast!". ", "OK," said Lana, "I'll leave you alone then.". ", "What happened," asked Steve, "something at school?". With that, Fred, Lori, and Lincoln bounded down the stairs while Steve turned to the viewers. >to Simon< And as for you bro, you need to stop acting like you know better then him. The next morning, Lincoln woke up in Lynn's loving embrace. "Lincoln Loud," Lori said, "wherever you are, I'm sorry for all the mean things I've done to you! Loud in a surprised tone, "what's going on? Then, he got on his bike and rode away from the house. Luna: But now it looks like we are seeing them getting along just fine. ", Lincoln looked around and say that he was indeed not in Piperville, but Montpelier. 1,245 1.2K. ", "Oh man," said Lincoln, "we better get down!". Lynn? "No," James said as he approached Lori, "Iknowyou had something to do with this. Don't even bother coming in.". Luna: I got a favor to ask you, I hope it's not too much but, I've invited Sam to come over and she's bringing her brother Simon over. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE]. Watch. Luna: You don't have to, but if you want to, just let me know. Luna: Say, after Fro-Yo, would you like to hit the video arcade? Only ten more minutes until the end of the school day and Lincoln could go home and read comics in his underwear, and play video games. He road to where Zeke was stationed, found an empty boxcar, lifted his bike into it, and jumped aboard just as Zeke was pulling out. ", "Just. Simon: >to Lincoln, confused< What do you mean? Lincoln: I've been a fan of Ace Savvy since I was about Six years old, that's when I started to watch "The Adventures of Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack: The animated series", then I got involved into reading comics. My eyes were hungrily gawking his while he kept pounding me on his thigh A new sibling (Loud house reader fan fic). 54 Favourites. #lincoln On the paper was a note that read"Dear Mom, Dad, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, and Lily, goodbye forever. Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< Consider this you're first strike, two more and we will never come back here again. (It begins with Luna watching "School of Rock" on her laptop, then she gets a call on her phone), (It then goes to split screen with Sam on the right). "Lola & Leni: "Yes! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. My 39th fanfic, sequel to "No Such Luck". Lincoln peeked out and saw that Zeke had reached his destination. Luna: I know thing hadn't gone off on a good start, but I think we should end our--. ", After everyone had some cake, Lori went upstairs to have a chat with her brother. "Luke: "Hmm, I'm also really social. >to Luna< And that includes are relationship as well. Lincoln: This is my favorite superhero, Ace Savvy, the most savviest crime fighter, he's also one of the greatest superheroes ever. "Let me guess," said Lincoln, "you're sorry for what you did? Lincoln: Nothing is quite more fun than watching a cartoon that you and you're family loved so much. "Oh no," said Lincoln, "not a flat tire!". "Would you like to explain this," asked Lori. Lincoln then fell down on his knees and started to cry into his hands. "Yum," said Lincoln, "this is the best meatball sub I've ever had! Luna: Sorry you had to hear that, Lisa does this all the time, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen. ", "Hurry," called Lynn Sr., "the hot dogs are becoming cold dogs!". Just then, they heard Chuggie's whistle as the green engines steamed into the depot. Simon: >yawns, interrupts Lincoln< Boring. All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. Long Lost Loud is a one shot The Loud House fanfic written by Bouken Dutch 2.0. He can always heat it up later.". "Then perhaps you can write a letter to these Cassidy fellows instead," said Albert. Lincoln: I promise, I'll do it for you and Sam. Lincoln: >to Liam< Sorry you had to see that and sorry about your farm. Clyde: That's great, and what are your thoughts on "Scorpion"? (And this is what the boys actually did, they fed the chickens and collected the eggs from the chicken coop not soon after an angry rooster scares them off, then they went to the pig pen and fed the pigs, then they took a ride on Ellie Mae the Moose to collect some straw from the straw fields and store them on the antlers as they make good shovels or buckets, then they store the straw onto the hayloft, then they had to herd the cows and goats into the barn and each of the boys had to milk the Cows and dairy Goats and then release them back to their respected pasture, once they were done with the chores the both washed up, once they got all washed up, they were ready to sell produce at Liam's farm, they both sold milk and eggs and each earned at least twenty dollars and twenty one cents, Liam then approaches them). Meanwhile, Lola had woken up and was going to join her family at breakfast when she decided to check on Lincoln. Then, Lynn Sr. heard his cell phone ringing. "No problem," said Lisa, "of course, I had some help. Liam: Good, now get to work, we got a long day ahead of us. Luna: I tried, but she turned down my apology, she blocked my number and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, now I can't talk to them anymore. Lori went inside and sat down on the bed next to Lincoln. Lincoln: >to Simon< Good luck trying to get Lynn to help you, she's tough. Liam: Well shut my mouth and call me a Jack Rabbit, you two boys did great so far, my chores is done and I owe you two to thank, now tell me in your own opinions, how did you like the chores so far? Lincoln: >to Luna< First of all, I'm the one should be sorry, I never should have disrespected Simon's opinions and I'm sorry for your breakup with Sam, and secondly, I forgive you. I give credit to Smile.Huezera for story asisstance. Finally another boy in this house! The one who was most upset was Leni, who was crying hysterically into a pillow with Luna trying to comfort her and trying to hold back her own tears. "Wow," said Lisa, "then I assume you know how to fix a lot of things. (Luna, Lincoln, Sam and Simon were all surprised that Leni did something nice for these four, they all ran up to Leni and gave her a hug as a way of saying thank you). He sees all of his sisters standing somewhere in the living room. Back in Royal Woods, the Loud family minus Lori was in the living room, waiting for James and his friends to come back and report if they've found Lincoln or not. "As if she'll become a whole lot nicer to me and let me be in her room more," said Lincoln. Clyde: I'm so sorry to hear that, say would you like to-- Lincoln: >to Ronnie Anne, interrupts Clyde< Have a tour of our school before the bell rings? ", "Geez," said Lincoln, "calm down. A. Sam: >interrupts Luna< US!?!? #loudhouse. ", "I mean," said Fred, "hewasthe one who introduced us to you. "Hey, what's all the crying about," asked Lynn Sr. as he came home from the grocery store. Simon: I love the switch, but not as fun as Xbox though, I think Xbox is the best console ever. Luna: >to Leni< You know what, you're right Leni, I still love Lincoln as my bro, and I never did want to say I never want to speak to him again. And you're right, it's just a phone. Sam: It should be in about thirty minutes or so, depending on traffic. Lola: While Lana is doing it, I will be making the tea and you should give out an examples for both of you. "Poor Lincoln," said Lynn, "I can't believe it. "That's it," said Lincoln, "I'll go to Piperville!". Luna: >to Lincoln< Hey bro, I want to say, I'm sorry for saying "I never wanted to speak to you again" I was angry at you and Simon for your petty argument over opinions you disrespected, and I was upset about our breakup between me and Sam, I had a lot of anger and sorrow about it for at least an hour and I had a lot of self doubt and I took advantage of it, and most of all, I'm sorry that you and Simon can't get along because of your opinion differences. ", "But how," asked Lori, "I bet he won't wanna talk to me either, not even if I contacted Butch and Mark somehow. Sam: Andit looks like they aren't arguing. Lincoln Loud, just what is wrong with you?! Lincoln and Simon: "If us two can't get along, then we will never paired again!". Simon: I'm the quite opposite of what Lincoln says about the other tea, Cookies and Muffins, I liked the PG tips tea better than Lipton's, the blueberry Muffins taste more delectable than the chocolate chip ones, the Peanut Butter ones are also more tastier than White Chocolate chips. We somehow got the chance of meeting him again. It took a few minutes, but Lynn finally fell asleep. Even Luan didn't feel like playing jokes. "And just where do you thinkyou'regoing," asked James. I think red and white matches be best. Simon: But SpongeBob had better episodes than ours. Lincoln: It looks like the fire between them has died down for both of them. CartoonsLoud House Follow/FavLong Lost Loud By:Bouken Dutch 2.0 33 years into the future, Lori Loud reflects back on the loss of her brother Lincoln (No Such Luck AU) Rated: Fiction T- English - Tragedy - Lori L. - Words: 7,956 - Reviews: 74- Favs: 187 - Follows: 64 - Published: 1/10/2018- Status: Complete - id: 12795066 + - ", "Get the rest of your family downstairs," said Butch, "I have some excellent news!". Lincoln: Okay. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Instantly Sweet. HUH?! ", "Good point," said Rita, "but still, we're very grateful you've gone out of your way to do this, James.". "Don't worry, girls," said Lynn Sr., "I'm sure Lincolnwill be found eventually.". (It then cuts back to The Loud House as Leni was coming back home humming to her own theme song, she then hears crying and walks up the stairs, she only hears Luna who was crying on her own bed, she knocks on the door), (She opens the door to see what was wrong with Luna), Leni: Is it a fashion emergency? Sam: >to Luna< And that also includes our relationship too, don't forget it. Lana: The Cookies and Muffins should be done at any moment now. Loud," said Joe, Steve's brother, "but we didn't. View source. Sam: Like you care, because if your brother doesn't want to be friends with my brother, than both of you can butt out of our lives. Sam: Maybe TV isn't such a good idea after all. Written as a darker take on the episode "Brawl in the Family". ", "If only I was a better sister," cried Lori, "and he wouldn't even be having these kind of problems!". "Lori: "We literally have A lot In common! ", "Yes," said James, "but thereisa possibility he might be in good hands. Lola: >to Simon< Normally she doesn't play by the rules, but in the case, I'm glad she's decided to help me out with the cooking and baking. Sam: Wait, what is Simon doing with Lincoln? (They both share a hug, little did they know was that Simon and Sam also showed up at the Fro-Yo place, Sam wasn't in the best mood as she drags Simon to the Fro-Yo place). (The boys then grabbed their snacks and tasted them, they drank the tea sets, and ate the Cookies and Muffins, but not all at the same time, Luna and Sam were waiting for the results). (Lincoln and Simon shook hands at each other, they both let go of their hands). After 5 minutes, he heard another knock at the door, this time it was Rita. (Lola kicks Simon and Lincoln out of their room, Luna and Sam walked out as well). It also had a card that read "I'm sorry for what I did!" I'm sorry for what I did, little brother. (Both Lincoln and Simon watched both of their sisters arguing, Simon overhears this as he interferes with them. Lincoln: >gasps< Did you just call Ace Savvy stupid?!?! Well what if i told you that Lincoln had a long lost older brother but the question is where has he been all this time and what kind of in-pack will that have on the rest of the family? Then, Ronnie Anne started crying and was immediately hugged by Bobby. ", "But what wedidfind," said Fred, one of Steve's best friends, "is bike tire tracks leading to the railyard, which led us to the logical conclusion of Lincoln getting on a train heading out of state. We miss you and I love you very, very much, even though it feels like I'm nothing more than a jerk to you sometimes. ", "OK," said Rita, "Take all the time you need to think about it. Luna: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, you better apologize to Sam and Simon for what you've done, >to Simon< And that goes for you too as well! And with that, Lori left, leaving Lincoln in a terrible emotional mess. Luna: >to Simon< Sorry dude, if you can't get along with my brother, than so be it. "Thank God we got outta the way just in time," said Lincoln. Liam: So, you two haven't been getting along huh? How's that sound?". "But Linc," said Lori, "this is important! The link didn't work. Lori then charged over to Lana and slapped the former across the face while everyone else gasped. ", "It's alright," said James, "I understand. Lisa: >offscreen< I'm okay, just some split some atoms by accident. ", "WELL," said Lori, "HOW WOULDYOUFEEL OF LANA BROKE SOMETHING THAT MEANT A LOT TO YOU?! (Lincoln is triggered by his opinion, Luna then shook her head). ", "Hey guys," said Steve, "we're having a BBQ at our place to celebrate Lincoln's reunion with you guys! 30K Views. Sam: >to Luna< Yup, i'm happty that they are happy. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lori could feel that her family's angry words, especially were launching a D-Day-style invasion on her heart. Luna: I understand, we got to get them to respect each other's opinion. Simon: But our opinions matter too you know. ", "I read your mind," said Lincoln, "and I have 3 words to say to you. In fact, it was the pillow decoy Lincoln had set up, along with a folded-up piece of paper on top. (Sam was adored by this and left a small tear on her eye by his comment). Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< But the Playstation has the same graphics. Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< What did we just say? Completed theloudhouse steven stevenuniverse +7 more # 13 The Angeloids Of Royal Woods by YamiYugiUnity 46.7K 613 18 A No Such Luck Story. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< Wrong, the Xbox is better, and that's a fact jack. ", "Yeah," said Rita, "give him time to cool down. ", "Mom," said Lincoln, "I know you're concerned, but I really don't wanna talk about it right now. I enjoy using my phone and going on social media apps. "I think we better see if he's OK," said Rita, "Lynn?". The Loud House: The Black Figure The CasaDemonios - Deathy Intro The Loud House (2006) The Loud House - Lincoln the Attacker (Old version) The Loud House - Two's Regret The loud house - You're adopted The Loud House 888 The Loud House Lost Don't Text And Drive PSA (2015) The Loud House Lost Episode: The Mishaps of the Loud Siblings Simon: I really don't know about you, but I don't want to be in a relationship just yet, whatever that means, I think it's overrated. Luna: No Sam, I'm sorry for harassing you, I want us to be two peas in a pod. Simon: Sometimes I wish I had an older brother. "Hey, Lincoln," said Butch, "what are you doing here? New and Improved Loud House Fanfiction. What if there's an unknown sibling??? When that was finished, he waited till everyone was asleep, then went downstairs. They walked in Lori and Leni's room, where we often do those family meetings. It was meant to be the finale of the 3rd season, but scrapped after it's production was done. It was a normal day in the Loud house. "Typical," said Lisa, "he always sleeps in on Saturdays like a lot of kids do. Luna: >to Lincoln and Simon< Now shake hands! Simon: >to Sam< ButI enjoyed Luna's company. It was a song that she heard her parents play in the car one day when they all went to the mall. "Luke: "I also like style. Well in general SpongeBob in modern seasons are abysmal than the first three seasons, I mean yes, SpongeBob is better than our show as a whole but in regards, SpongeBob is not the kind of show I would watch, I did read one issue of Scorpion, in general though, she's not that bland, but an interesting super heroine in my add, but not as good as Ace Savvy in my opinion, as for Xbox, sorry to say that but Xbox controls are not as better as the Playstation, that's my verdict on his interests. Thankfully, Lincoln had remembered to bring a bike tire repair kit. Help! Lincoln: Sometimes, I wish Simon would change his opinions instead of being a smart little butt! Luna: Yeah, had to watch it on my laptop while I'm babysitting my siblings, Leni's gone to work, Luan is at a birthday gig, Lynn is at Baseball practice. !" Sam: >to Luna, sarcastically< How about never? Lincoln: You know how my sisters are when it comes to their opinions. A Load of Bulk provides examples of: Simon: Oh cool, I love Arcade games, much better than those mobile games on phone these days. Lincoln: I remember when me, Ronnie Anne and Sid tried to fix up Lori and Bobby's relationship after their breakup. ", "Yeah," said Lori, "and I'm Britt Nicole.". WOULD YOU LIKE IT?! Simon: I do agree with Lincoln that the chicken coop is not the best for me. "Butch," said Mr. Lincoln's Farewell. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Argh, Why do you have to criticize our own show, this will drive audiences away from us. Liam: Now pay attention, now I could use your help around the farm, while my memaw is out of town, she gave me a list of chores around the farm, now I would like for you two to work together and then tell me in your own opinion what ya'll two like the best, now does that sound too hard for you boys? I forgot which sibling though. "Will you go wake your brother up," asked Lynn Sr. Lynn ran up the stairs and to Lincoln's door, on which she knocked. Sam: Come to think of it, Simon and Lincoln never even met before, you think we should hang out altogether? "Linc," asked Lana, "where are you going? ", "Not that big of a deal," repeated Lori, "not that big of a deal?! Luna: Good idea Leni, maybe I was a bit harsh on him after our breakup. "Linc," asked Butch, "what's the matter?". 175 Best Instant Pot Recipes. "Lynn: "Score! Lola: Now, what I've got are two sets of tea, one set is Lipton and the other set is PG tips. Sam: Please, stop talking to me, I want nothing to do with you. Clyde: Okay then, I thought maybe we could try giving you two boys some therapy like how Dr. Lopez has taught me about respecting opinions, it may not be easy, but I do have some ways to get you two to communicate with each other, I do have a talking stick >shows them a stick< if I hand one of you the talking stick, you are only allowed to talk, understand? Both Lincoln and Butch jumped from the branch and managed to escape the falling branch. (Luna and Sam then approached Lincoln and Simon with confidence). CONTENT OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE! Luna: Guys, this is ridiculous, stop fighting and put aside your differences. FirstDrellSpectre. "It's a miracle," Lynn Sr. cried happily. Lincoln whispered everything in Lana's ear. "Lynn Sr. (Dad): "Kids, Sit down. ", "No, Lori," said Albert, "don't apologize to your sisters. When she was just two years old, Chiara Rose Bernardi was taken away from her family by her mother [Mafia Fiction] What are you doing here read the motherfuking story l Long Lost Brother [Loud House X Male!Reader]. Luna: Great, I'm watching "School of Rock" on my laptop. "Luke: "Sure! (Sam facepalms again as Simon was being sarcastic). Commentary is acceptable, The Story (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. Lynn Sr. then put Lincoln's breakfast in the fridge and proceeded to clean the dishes after everyone ate. I really didn't mean it, honest. Luna: HmmI think I have a better idea (The girls have taken Lincoln and Simon up to Lincolns room to check out some comics). "I have fixed your portable communication device," said Lisa as she held up Lori's phone. "Would you like to explain this," asked Lori. ", "I think you should try calling them," said Albert, "wouldn't hurt to,". Uh-uh! "Yes, officer," said Butch and Mark as the cop left. Our Brother is a Delinquent By: NoSoul01. "I guess I now know how he feels whenever I bark at him for being in my room," said Lori. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< Same as our show when our show is running completely downhill. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav. She is still the greatest super heroine out there, better than stupid Ace Savvy. lincolnloud. (It then goes to split screen with Sam on the right) Sam: Hey Luna! Lincoln: Yes, You have to collect all of the gems to get the secret ending and the costumes, and it's not in forwards it's also on N. verted as well. This is for Lincoln)" on it. Lincoln: >annoyed< Well excuse us for trying to be better than that certain talking yellow sponge in clothes. "Luke: "Uhh, I like comedy. "Hey, lil bro," said Lynn, "up and at 'em!". ", "Oh yeah," said Lana, "not even refusing to accept Lincoln's apology about breaking your phone and calling him a mistake?". Time to wake up.". Lincoln: In my opinion, they taste flat and don't have that rich flavor than chocolate. "I'll never see his precious white hair ever again," cried Leni. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE] Fanfiction Lincoln is tired of being the only boy in the house. ", "In the meantime," said Lynn Sr., "your mother and I have agreed to reduce your grounding just for until tomorrow morning because of how you baked this cake. "Mmm-mmm," said Lincoln, "this is the best maple taffy I've ever tasted! Screenshot. "I don't think I have enough wood to get us back home," said Chuggie. Seeing the effect of his drastic change to his family after the incident, Lincoln was determined to fix his mistake. Later I realized they're not. What if there's an unknown sibling??? "Lincoln," said Lynn, "thank God you're OK!". (The fight cloud between the boys started tp again, it completely destroys the twins room, Lola and Lana tackled both of them to the ground). # 10. (Just as Sam was about to walk up to the counter to place an order, Sam spotted Luna in shock, she even tohught to herself). He then turned his attention to his stuffed rabbit, Bun-Bun. He then heard a knock at the door. As Lori ran upstairs, Lola prepared to throw her shoe at her, but Lynn Sr. stopped her. Luna: Yep, he's my little brother, and ironically he's the mid-child. "Oh, Lord," Lori cried, "what have I done?". Lori held up her phone, which had a big crack on the screen. ", "You bet it was," said Butch, "If we'd been on that branch longer, we'd be dead men!". She works for rich men, has to do all kinds of odd jobs, an Do You Literally Like Me? Lincoln: I'll take the chocolate vanilla swirl. Lincoln: >to Luna< So Luna, after a Fro-Yo, wanna hit the Arcade? Clyde: Now for your favorite cartoon show >to audience< Again, not counting our own show. "Lincoln," she yelled. ", "Are you kidding," asked Lincoln, "and continue to live under the reign of The Queen Of No after what she did to me?! ", "If it wasn't for Lincoln," said Steve, "we probably never would've become friends. And you should try relaxing, too. Sam: >annoyed, to Simon< Alright, this will be our last stop for today, I hope you are feeling better after you got your game you wanted for Xbox One, I don't want to hear about it anymore, understand? Upstairs, Lori was in her and Leni's room, plopped on her bed and crying hysterically into the pillow. When that was finished, she rode her bike to the post office. The letter read"Dear Lincoln, I take a pen in hand to write this letter to you to express my feelings of sorrow for what I did to you. Our Brother is a Delinquent Chapter 11, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. Steve then turned towards the staircase and was proceeding to go up to Lori and Leni's room when James stopped him. Simon: Like Abraham Lincoln? Sam: It pains for me to say this butI don't think we can be friends or a couple anymore (The words from Sam than echoed in Luna's head at least three times as she was in shock). Loud House Fanfiction - Second Loud Brother. (It then cuts to Sam and Luna still bickering). Lana: Hops, what are you doing here? Lincoln: >angered, to Simon< Well, you better take it back! Lola: Here are the tea's that I made, I hope you enjoy them. "Last one to James & Co.'s house is a rotten egg," said Lincoln. It's just a phone. Simon: Wow, I knew that starting our meeting over in a more calming situation would fix up their relationship. Lincoln's actions result in the sisters (except Lily) collectively turning on him and giving him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown that results in him getting hospitalized and developing a crippling fear of his sisters.

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