24 May 1954 - 15 April 2003 13 August 1931 - 27 May 2006 2 August 2006 GREENWOOD , Herb . 10 July 1995 . MACDONALD , Angus . 11 November 1935 - 17 February 1990 RODDA , Evelyn Gwendoline . Aged 80 years Aged 75 years 5 May 1974 - 14 January 2005 29 September 1979 . WARD , Adelaide May . Aged 59 years THURSBY , Albert Davies . KING , Janette Dorothy (ne Adams) . Aged 74 years EDWARDS , Reece William . 18 January 1968 . Aged 2 years 10 months 17 September 1972 . Aged 67 years Aged 43 years 23 September 1905 - 20 April 1993 WRIGHT , Ernest N . DONNELLAN , John Vincent Bernard . South Australian Deaths (1836-1842) GREEN , Charles Alan . 16 April 1980 - 16 April 1980 ROODING , Geertruida . 8 September 1946 - 9 September 2013 . 20 September 1986 Aged 59 years Aged 70 years Most medical providers now store these records electronically, and interested persons can obtain them from decedents' medical providers if required. 11 November 2001 . 17 November 1905 - 3 October 2000 BULLEN , Lorna . COOKE , Harry Kenyon . years KRITICOS , Nicholas . The SSDI was created from the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Death Master File (DMF). Aged 85 years GOLDSWORTHY , Francis Roy . GRANTHAM , Keith Owen . O'BRIEN , Annie . Aged 65 years DENNIS , Dorrie . ANDERSON , Charles . 30 June 1975 STENSON , Joyce Doris . 29 August 1952 - 28 April 2002 MEBBERSON , Phyllis . WALKER , Emma . GRAY , Peter Jason . STANTON , Mary Anna . EDSON , Melville Angas . They can also obtain this information from their official websites. 23 May 1972 . BEER , Harry . Aged 63 years 8 November 1921 - 31 October 2001 29 April 1974 . 30 November 1984 . 12 June 1917 - 4 June 1996 22 August 1931 - 26 February 1999 TRAVERS , Winifred . 18 August 1925 - 21 November 1999 Aged 73 years ELLIS , Havilah May . 5 December 1971? BARTLETT , Lorna . 28 February 1921 - 4 June 2001 No date 25 March 1931 - 27 September 2013 Aged 51 years GRAHAM , Jacob John . 8 August 1913 - 21 August 1990 WARD , Mick . BALNAVES , Colin Peter . 9 May 1962 - 10 August 1988 WATERS , Leslie William . 19 December 1918 - 14 July 2000 HARVIE , Sydney Hugh . BALDWINSON , Sheila Isabel . FRKIC , Simica . PRICE , Eileen . SMART , Ivy May . 22 March 1984 . 22 June 1917 - 17 October 2005 2 April 2005 . BOXHALL , Sally . SPRY , Audrey Jean . 2 July 1909 - 23 February 2002 JONES , Francis Thomas . The DMF has over 83 million death records. MISHELL , Elsie Maud . MAXWELL , C A P . 19 December 1975 . BROWN , Albert Charles . BENSON , Jackie Rowland . 4 December 1981 . KNOWLES , James Robert . 17 March 1944 . 31 July 1961 . 20 February 2003 - 21 February 2003 SAMU , Ilona . - No date 14 May 1942 - 24 February 2008 Aged 79 years 27 November 1978 . 9 February 1957 - 4 March 2007 8 July 1975 . Aged 89 years 15 November 1970 Aged 9 years 4 July 1968 11 June 1929 - 17 May 1995 GREEN , William . YELLAND , Florence Violet . Death records are required for various purposes in the United States. 23 March 1926 - 16 October 2002 BAYNES , Edwin Jack . No date . BENNIE , Betty Fay (ne West) . Aged 86 years 14 August 1982 - 14 August 1982 23 June 1982 . Aged 52 years 7 March 1967 - 24 August 2002 22 October 1966 . No date 6 July 1949 - 9 December 2004 WIMSHURST , Harriett Jubilee . 2 August 1961 . 7 June 1961 . MUNRO , Stella E E . SKORUP , Ivan . THOMAS , Maxine June . MAHOMET , Eliza Danielle Leila . CLUTTERBUCK , Hedley R . 10 July 1977 . 14 June 1980 . 7 September 1910 - 18 February 1998 PARSON , Janet Marie . Aged 69 years No date WALKER , Elizabeth . HALE , Frederick John . WEGENER , Gerhard Gary . 7 November 1972 15 June 1997 . GRAHAM , Jacob John . No date 14 November 1947 - 20 January 1988 CUTTS , Evelyn . Aged 57 years 4 March 1980 . 23 March 1927 - 1 December 1992 12 April 1982 . WOOD , Arthur . CONROY , Henry Malcolm . WILSON , James . Aged 18 years 13 May 1970 . 20 October 1923 - 26 June 1992 WINGFIELD , Judith Ann . 1914 - 1992 COOK , Edith May . HILL , Alice Selina Rose . BILECKI , Nada . 29 December 1973 . 1914 - 2006 RAYMOND , Ralph Iro . WALKER , Graham Lambert . CUSTANCE , James . MATHIESON , Cassandra Gilliland . 20 August 2002 - 22 November 2004 Aged 65 years 22 December 1912 - 20 BRANFORD , Frank . 27 November 1928 - 21 February 1991 CAPONI , Edilio . Aged 58 years Aged 65 years Aged 51 years 13 April 1988 . 26 June 1961 - 10 August 1961 MURRAY , Stanley Randall . Aged 68 years Aged 53 years WHITWORTH , Elizabeth . BOWER , Trevor T . Aged 36 years GRAHAM , John . Some states charge requesters the same price for each copy of the same death record. Aged 75 years WHITFORD , Leslie Maxwell . HARRIS , Edna Marjorie . 27 March 1931 - 5 March SHIRLEY , Laurie . The United States has 57 independent jurisdictions responsible for collecting information on death events. 21 February 1921 - 1 February 2007 WHITEHOUSE , Thomas Ronald . HAY , James Walker . SMART , Robert Hedges . 29 May 1946 . WILSDON , Annie Ellen . BLUE , Daniel McGowan . ROWE , Kelvin A . 10 April 1936 - 9 April 2003 LEE , Agnes May . 4 May 1938 - 4 June 2017 BOSS , Rosslyn Juanita . - 11 February 1990 HUDSON , Mary Frances . EVELY , Maxwell Scott . BAKER , Danny Charles . STRATHIE , Annie . 5 April 1956 - 25 September 2001 Aged 59 years 14 August 1985 . HALL , Leslie G . 8 December 1942 - 26 April 2003 BATT , Leslie Ernest . 14 October 1960 . LOCKHART , Florence . BUSWELL , Derald John . Aged 59 years SCHOELL , Johann . Aged 92 years MC CRACKEN , Kathleen . SKINNER , Albert . HAWKINS , Dolly . BURNS , Rose Ann . PODEN , Neville . Aged 58 years 30 June 1921 - 1 April 2008 4 April 1933 - 20 May 1999 1925 - 1977 GIGNEY , Rodney Murray . 22 May 1953 . KELLY , John Anthony . 1956 - 1984 Aged 21 years MC SEVENEY , Kenneth G . 25 July 1959 . Aged 77 years 19 April 1982 . 17 August 1929 - 17 April 2003 MEBBERSON , William Joseph . SAWATZKE , Madge . TURNBULL , Lorraine . BURTON , William Hall . WHITE , Brian George . PARKS , John R . 24 October 1973 . 3 July 1954 - 16 June 1981 14 August 1914 - 29 May CAMERON , Eric Nicol . GARWOOD , Leigh Robert . GILDEA , George . 30 July 1982 . 23 January 1924 - 22 March 2010 22 July 1934 - 1 June 1995 FULLER , Phyllis Emily . 17 March 1938 - 17 February 2008 HUTCHENS , Alice Eva . NELSON , Clarrie . Aged 79 years L RUDNIK , Josef Mario . 10 October 1933 - 28 July 2017 1 March 1922 - 20 October 1989 . MAYNARD , Neville . BARTON , Valda . WALDING , Lavinia A M . 1965 21 June 1978 . PUDDY , Stan . 6 January 1918 - 22 April 1995 BROWN , Horace Marcel . 6 March 1914 - 4 April 1996 PROUDFOOT , William Robertson . 28 March 1945 10 April 1933 - 9 May WILLIS , George M . 26 March 1928 - 11 March 2012 PAWLIK , Kazimierz . BUDIMIR , Marija . NORMAN , Valerie Mildred . 13 January 1976 . HORN , Ron . 14 April 2020 - 3 December 1965 MART , Bronwen Heather . GOODENOUGH , Percy J . 28 July 1974 . Aged 61 years 26 August 1973 - 31 December 1993 Aged 89 years 16 November 1919 - 19 April 2002 19 December 1929 - 17 October 1998 19 May 1952 . ROFET , Gordon Alexander . 2 April 1994 . 5 August 1938 - 2 June 1985 23 October 1935 - 6 May 2011 11 January 1915 - 9 March 2006 Aged 49 years Aged 46 years WHITE , Valma Lillian . Aged 64 years 19 February 1990 Aged 29 July 1924 - 7 December 1991 Aged 41 years Aged 79 years GOURLAY , Audrey Alice . SALIBA , George John . 14 April 1917 - 4 July 2014 LONG , Cecelia Mary . GILMOUR , Stephan George . GALL , Robert . SIEGMANN , Wilfred . WILLIAMS , R J . 20 March 1968 . Aged 75 11 April 1973 . 17 April 1993 . SHUTE , Ralph Baillie . COLBERT , Ellen . BREWSTER , Douglas A . SHEPHERD , Jayde Kim . 1937 - 1988 However, many states are adopting the U.S Standard Certificate of Death provided by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). years Aged 81 years MILCZAREK , Hedwig Auguste . CHESHIRE , Joseph . 24 April 1923 - 7 February 2009 Aged 28 years DAVIS , Thomas Arthur . LOUGH , Sadie . HEARD , Cecilia Catherine . Residents of such states must, however, provide accurate information about the decedents to take advantage of these services. 30 June 1918 - 14 June 2008 2 November 1983 - 7 August 2004 DOWNIE , Hugh . MOLDENHAUER , Graham . 10 September 1976 . DAVIS , Thelma . Aged 50 years 27 September 1982 . THOMAS , Michael J . SABINE , Neil Scott . Aged 37 years Aged 84 years Get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers in memory of a loved one in Whyalla, SA. MC QUARRIE , Elizabeth Kitchen . MASON , Alan . LENON , Mavis Verduna . 15 September 1980 . 6 February 1926 - 23 July 1998 MULCAHY , Patricia Kieran . WOCIAL , Tadeusz . For more information or to make contact with a trusted Independent funeral director, call eziFunerals on 1300 236 402 or visit www.ezifunerals.com.au. July 1973 WALSH , Laurence Peter . Aged 76 years CURRIE , Gary William . 5 October 1972 . 30 August 1914 - 9 April 2010 15 January 1965 . WRIGHT , Maurice Ray . Aged 63 years SCHULTZ , Hubert C . 26 November 1926 - 16 May 2016 KEMP , Margaret Dawn . 4 September 1927 - 23 November 2012 15 October 1972 . 6 April 1935 - 15 April 1978 31 July 1956 - 12 November 1956 BURNS , William T . WOODHAM , Kevin Timothy John . 2 May 1935 - 29 October 1992 ADAMS , Leo . 29 March 1999 . SAWYER , Tony . Aged 19 years ROCCHI , Romolo . MARTENS , Malcolm Ross . ROBERTSON , Sophia (with Alexander) . 12 December 1912 - 24 December 1993 DAVIDSON , William John . THOMAS , Andrew . STORIC , Brodie Milutin (s/b) . REHN , Laurence Malcolm . 22 March 1961 . VUKMANOVICH , Victor . 228 Obituaries Search Whyalla obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. ELKERBOUT , Wilhelmus . 29 November 1944 - 23 December 2005 Aged 45 NEW , William . 27 September 1971 . JONES , Desmond W C . 8 December 1975 MARKS , Olive . 25 December 1937 - 5 July 2012 BISHOP , Grace . No date STAKER , Leslie Albert . 6 April 1919 - 12 December 1990 Aged 60 years Aged years OLSON , Nils . 14 November 1997 . GAUGHAN , John . 3 June 1918 - 28 November 1993 No date PETTINGER , George Robert . 18 June 1914 - 20 July 2003 SANDOW , Clifford Oswald . NOTTLE , William Lloyd . 4 January 2017 14 April 1985 . 20 May 1928 - 2 October 1977 22 December 1922 - 24 September 2001 PARTINGTON , Cecil James . Aged 56 years 19 May 1974 . 17 June 1947 - 11 June 2014 16 November 1946 HARRISON , Jack Weslford . CUTTING , Philp . GILBERT , Florence Margaret . TEMPLER , Ronald William . Aged 43 years 20 October 1962 . 9 June 1949 . MOSS , Stanley Richard . COUPER , Jackqueline M . 31 December 1958 - 28 May 2017 BERNARD , Lucie . 24 August 1986 . 19 September 1938 - 19 July 2004 ALVIN , James R T . 2 January 1996 . 4 August GLASOHM , Calvin James . HAVELBERG , Dorothy Eunice (ne Stephens) . Aged 60 years BONELLO , David John . MAITLAND , Archibald . Aged 11 years DROGEMULLER , Gladys Elma . 21 January 1958 . Aged 76 years 18 January 1936 - 3 November 1986 FIELD , Richard . TURNBULL , William Alfred . 1 May 1938 - 5 September 2000 Aged 53 years 20 March 1928 - 14 April 1997 CLEMENTS , Beatrice . Aged 78 years CARLSON , Charles . 27 December 1957 . 12 June 1934 - 28 June 2008 SCHUPPAN , Eva Muriel . HUGHES , Donald Joseph . PECA , Giovanni Pietro . 2 December 1941 - 1 March 2002 Aged 75 years HEAD , Ruby Olive . LUXTON , William Martin . 6 August 1937 - 16 March 1992 WARD , Florence Maud . FAVELL , John Francis . PAGE , Christopher Considine . - 16 November 1962 Aged 69 years 24 May 1992 1 July 1990 22 July 1947 - 7 October 2002 Aged 59 years 29 December 1965 . - 7 November 1962 . 1908 - 2007 Aged 85 years 19 September 1925 - 15 April 1993 Aged 65 years SKELTON , Murray Leslie . 30 January 1931 - 24 October 2004 DURKIN , Stephen Andrew . 1911 - 1984 5 February 1926 - 4 December 2008 ZBIERSKI , Allen John . MC KENZIE , Ellen . DAVIES , Henry . Z 16 May 1984 . STEVENSON , Harold John . No date years 28 October 1939 - 23 January 1950 16 December 1940 - 27 December 1991 11 November 1979 . 22 December 1935 - 9 September 2012 BIAGI , Edoarda Carlo Sergio . 14 May 1981 . SPURLING , Mary Francis . GRUNDEL , Joan D . ROBERTS , Lexa Corleen . 6 October 2013 . 8 January 1932 - 24 November 2005 27 October 1919 - 7 October 2013 LIVESEY , Edward . LONG , Andrew William James . 11 August 1962 . 25 November 1945 . 1900 - 1983 Aged 52 years 17 July 1936 - 4 June 2001 NEILSON , James . 6 January 1930 - 23 August 1974 24 September 1950 . 26 August 1984 . 25 June 1963 . TYSON , Fredrick M . Aged 64 years SHERLOCK , Dave . 5 March 1982 . 23 February 1923 - 22 July 2017 24 October 1967 . 16 March 1994 . 18 September 1927 - 23 November 2014 10 November 1939 - 7 August 2016 SELLEN , Graham A . 8 August 1949 - 31 January 2013 BEER , Peter . BRANFORD , Harold George . 16 March 1981 . 15 March 1921 - 18 June 2003 HAY , Elizabeth . SIVIOUR , Craig Douglas . ATTRILL , Ethel Mildred . 17 November 1944 . MASON , Nora (ne Irons) . JENNINGS , Rae Merle . BENNETT , Leslie Sydney . Aged 53 years CARTHEW , Ross . WILSON , Evelyn . 16 July 1987 . MUIR , James Patrick . 9 February 1959 . POLLOCK , James Nelson . 3 September 1974 . Aged 102 years 3 May 1942 JANZ , Valda May . 16 April 1964 . 16 September 2004 . 2 January 1977 . 18 October 1938 - 16 November 1997 SMITH , Mavis Joan . RODRIQUEZ , Leni P . TURNER , Joan Lawton . 26 April 1948 . LANYON , Shane G . Aged 27 years GRINTER , Alice Ethel Maude . 14 August 1955 . MEYER , Douglas Charles . Aged 36 years 19 November 1978 8 May 1989 . EVERSEN , Petronella Adriana . EVANS , David Stewart . TURNBULL , Victor Alfred . 16 September 1984 . PHILLIPS , Laurel Jean . GIBBONS , Nell . MARTIN , Pearl . 2 August 1912 - 8 February 2000 21 February 1916 - 23 December 16 January 1955 . 5 May 1955 . 1894 - 1950 13 June 1908 - 20 October 1993 CLARK , Gerda Elizabeth (ne Biebel) . Aged 72 years HILL , Rowena M . RAATZ , Harmut Gunter . One search covers extensive birth, death, marriage and cemetery records held by the Society. 7 July 1996 - 7 July 1996 DARBYSHIRE , Reginald Ellis . 6 September 1914 - 3 March 2005 FINK , Alfred E . Aged 37 years BILNEY , Jordan Battle . 30 April 1929 - 19 March 2016 Aged 61 years 23 June 1908 - 19 February 1996 LEOPOLD , Robert John . BUTSON , Thomas . BOULTON , David Melvin . Aged 56 years 29 December 1952 - 28 May 2004 ANDERSON , Charles Victor . CABOT , Dan . CARMAN , W R . 25 February 1986 . BOYLAN , Pat Alice . ANDERSON , Ivan K . CASEY , Jean . RITENBERG , Karlis Arnold . No date 12 May 1969 - 28 August 2015 WebCelebrity Deaths BROWSE Memorial Sites Whyalla News Notices No Results Most Recent All Notices Invalid date We're sorry, there are no results available. 6 May 1953 - 17 March 2005 11 August 1954 . ELLIOT , Ethel . Aged 49 years WRIGHT , Miryam . 21 September 1917 - 12 February 2005 30 April 1953 - 7 February 1966 Aged 67 ? 7 January 193? 26 August 1992 . MC SEVENEY , Liam Kenneth . BURROWES , Kenneth William . 14 December 1910 - 15 November 1987 1 October 1997 . JOSLYN , Brian Allan . 25 December 1986 . 8 June 1984 . PATTEN , Gladys . 11 April 1966 - 6 September 1968 25 July 1920 - 21 September 2004 FINLAY , Hazel Joyce . 29 January 1990 . 14 November 1940 - 13 December 2009 10 January 1980 MC ILWAINE , Kate Elisabeth (s/b) . GREIG , Alexander Milne . 8 August 1924 - 5 June 2002 CLARK , Lois Mary . 8 May 1978 . 1 November 1918 - 25 January 1993 27 October 1960 . VORNAM , Achim . MORGAN , Cleo . 6 November 2001 . Aged 82 years MAAS-SMIT , Anna Wilhelmina . SIMMONS , Donald Arthur Henry . 26 January 1982 . 12 October 1980 KELLY , Paul Peter . November 1974 RING , James Henry . Aged 82 years BRYCE , Roseleen . 11 December 1981 . 12 November 1??? Aged 65 years Aged 6 days PARKER , Hilary May . DICKSON , Mary Jane . AGARS , Gladys . CAMPBELL , George M . DENNIS , Alice Ann May . 7 August ???? TAYLOR , Maisie . CINDRIC , Marko . Aged 24 years MEFFERT , Mavis Edna . 24 September 2008 . Aged 50 years FRODSHAM , Renee . months BUTTERWORTH , Arthur Charles . P 7 July 1963 . 4 July 1980 - 16 October 1990 JOHNSTON , Alexander . 1940 - 2016 Aged 77 years Entries include name, age, whether bound in service, ship arrived on, year of arrival, sentence, religion, employment, residence, district and details of land owner or occupied. PEACOCK , Charles . HICKS , Leonard G . 24 September 1955 - 12 May 2009 SMITH , Crystal L . RICE , Graham Dean . PIDUN , Jamie Markus (s/b) . 6 May 1927 - 9 July 2015 1 November 1973 . 1 August 1944 Aged 80 years 4 November 1946 - 8 March 2006 28 December 1959 . 6 August 1928 - 11 December 2010 MC MAHON , F E . 20 July 1986 . PARHAM , Milly . Aged 55 years Aged 48 years 6 November 1952 . Aged 65 years 22 April 1935 . LODOS , Luis . HURLE , William Edwin . Aged years WINFIELD , Laurel . PENFOLD , Betty (ne Bowers) . HERITAGE , Jean Kathlene . GARRARD , John Norman . Aged 55 years Aged 60 years PYETT , Baby (s/b) . 24 February 1990 - 8 July 1990 JUST , Werner . 25 September 1925 - 26 May 2017 14 September 1968 . 31 March 1927 - 4 February 1972 9 November 1971 . 29 July 1912 - 13 September 1992 PITTS , Robin Vincent . Aged 64 years September 1934 - September 1997 21 March 1994 . KIVACIC , Vilim . 13 August 1955 - 7 September 2004 30 November 1997 . Aged 51 years Aged 61 years ANQUETIL , Christine Jeanette . 26 April 1924 - 21 February 2007 BINNIE , Margaret Jean (ne Paris) . 23 June 1973 5 March 1933 - 20 May 2006 24 April 1922 - 12 August 1996 Aged 36 years Aged 59 years MC KAY , Constance Mary . BAMFORD , William Henry . DENDUNNEN , Anton . Aged 75 years 23 November 1954 - 9 August 2010 MC LEOD , Sarah Elizabeth . Aged 60 years 28 November 1909 - 17 January 1979 16 December 1981 . Aged 63 years MODYSTACH , Ben . 25 December 1971 N 2 September 1949 . SMITH , Alfred Adams . BENNIE , Donald Reid . Aged 55 years 24 July 1933 - 21 May 2011 23 June 1914 - 2 November 2014 13 November 1921 - 29 June 1992 8 October 1916 - 29 October 1997 Aged 22 years 28 May 1970 . 13 August 1919 - 11 March 2013 BAJIC , Marko . Aged 78 years 27 May 1991 . Aged 84 years Aged 58 years Aged 85 years Aged 61 years DWYER , Phillip J . Aged 23 years 22 April 1979 . 5 September 1979 - 27 May 1980 31 May 1925 - 12 October 1989 20 July 1980 . MC CLUSKEY , Thomas . 15 June 1990 . DEMPSEY , Joan Stephanie .
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