You may register on or after the appointed date and time, up until the day before the first day of the semester. Last day to apply for Audit option; Gina Priolo, Associate Director of Retention and Completion While registration appointments will be visible to students on CUNYfirst Self-Service, you willNOTbe able to register if your major requires that you meet with an Academic Advisor prior to registration. Applying for Graduation; FERPA; Final Exams; Pathways; . Period opens to file graduation application for June 2022 Degrees, LAST DAY to add classes using student self-service in CUNYfirst (Continuing Students ONLY), LAST DAY to change a section or add a class for Spring 2022 (with DEPARTMENT permission, Early registration begins about halfway through the semester. -, International Programs and Study Abroad (IPSA), Resources for Undocumented Students and DACA, Faculty and Staff Development Opportunities (CUNY), Academic Calendars, Course Schedules, and Bulletins, Notes About the Undergraduate Finals Grid. Sat. Financial Aid, scholarships and tuition payment plans, on-campus jobs are available. You can visit their web site for Bill Payment Deadlines, Frequently Asked Questions and more. (Applications can be found on the KCC -Website- on the Department of Nursing Webpage. Last day to add a class (no late registration after this date) Fee of $18 is charged per day for changing classes once the session begins. Alumni, Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics, Your advisor is looking forward to meeting you. Initial Registration Appeals begin; Change of program period; late fees apply, Last day to submit a request for Independent Study. Mon. Faculty & Staff The beginning date is published by the Registrar's Office. A grade of "WD" is assigned to students who officially drop a class. Tuesday: Deadline to upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination documents to CUNYFirst. Continuing students who do not have an enrollment appointment on CUNYfirst should contact the Office of the Registrar. Assignment of 'WN' grade for non-attendance: Deadline for filing application for degree for Spring 2022, Last day to submit proof of immunization for NYS residents. Course Withdrawal period begins (A grade of 'W' is assigned to students who officially drop a class) - No refund; LAST DAY to drop courses for 25% refund. All workshops take place on Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Census date - Form-A cutoff; Students must drop their classes or become liable for all tuition or fees incurred. P: 718.951.5325, Judith Kenny, Director of Academic Affairs and Operations Campuses Winter Session October 26 Last day to register for Fall 2021 Missouri Online 6-Month self-paced courses Oct 27-Nov 19 Early Registration for Spring 2022 by appointment for current students only . Friday: 11 a.m.5 p.m. Enrollment appointments are distributed in 15-minute increments and are primarily based upon the number of credits students have earned within their student classification. Email: Students Copyright 2018 BMCC. Library Students can useCUNYs Global Searchtool to find courses at colleges across the university. Last day to drop a course with a grade of W - Grade of "W" is assigned to students who officially drop a class, FINAL EXAMINATIONS - Thursday Day & Evening Classes, FINAL EXAMINATIONS - Friday Day & Evening Classes, FINAL EXAMINATIONS - Monday Day & Evening Classes, FINAL EXAMINATIONS - Tuesday Day & Evening Classes, FINAL EXAMINATIONS - Wednesday Day & Evening Classes, Spring Session 1 (June Degree Conferral Date), Kingsborough Community College The City University of New York. Get the classes you need and the schedule you want. P: 718.951.5664 POSITION: Spring Semester Communications Intern, NYC-PEU (paid) ORGANIZATION: NYC Mayor's Public Engagement Unit About PEU: The NYC Public Engagement Unit () was created to develop a new model for government outreach, using community organizing principles to re-envision how the City provides services to its most vulnerable communities.. Rather than expecting constituents to navigate a . Getting Registered Starting November 7, Winter and Spring 2023 schedule of classes will be available for you to select classes through CUNYfirst and place them in your Shopping Cart*. Text-only Version, Information for: Event Calendar Prepare for a crucial transition for the fall 2022 semester. Tuition and fees must be received by the specified tuition due dates as listed on CUNYfirst. Not sure who your advisor is, visit the Academic Advisement & Transfer Center in room S-108 or email. 21. If you are: Thinking of applying to BMCC, please visit our Apply Now page. You arenot to attend any class for which you are not officially registered. Fax: (212) 220-1254 Create a class schedule that works best for you. Try to register at that time to have the most choices. Mar. Monday and Thursday: 9 a.m.5 p.m. COVID-19 Vaccination Deadlines for Spring '23. ; A current or a returning student, please check your student email for advisement and registration information, see additional details below: Spring 2023 Registration Appointment Dates; Spring 2023 Application Deadline . Some academic departments do not allow students to enroll in a course after the first week of classes. All Continuing Undergraduate &Graduate (Note: Please check with the appropriate Dean's Office for proposal submission . October 12. For information on the following, please click on the link below: Bursar - for an update of tuition, fees and billing deadlines Financial Aid - 2001 Oriental Boulevard, Brooklyn, NY 11235-2398, Kingsborough Community College | Dreams Begin Here, Articulation Agreements, Dual Enrollment Agreements, and Partnerships, Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Vice President for Workforce Development, Continuing Education and Strategic Partnerships, Office of Information Technology Services, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning, Vice President of Student Affairs and Chief Student Affairs Officer, Center for Economic & Workforce Development, KCTL / Kingsborough Center for Teaching & Learning, Kingsborough-Manhattan Beach Holocaust Memorial Center, Directory Information Non-Disclosure Form, Ferpa Release Form - Permission For Access To Educational Records, Prohibition on the Marketing of Credit Cards, Student's Right to Know & Campus Security Act, Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP), CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies, Verification of Enrollment Rosters Available to Faculty, Applications can be found on the KCC -Website- on the Department of Nursing Webpage. You may not register before theappointed date and time. Academic Policies Open enrollment begins on November 02, 2021. Winter Tuition Waivers: Eligible Students Must Register by December 1. The Bursar's Office is where you pay your tuition and other fees. Registration is based on a first come first serve basis. Get extra time and options to pay your tuition. All rights reserved. your registration date and time are available in your CUNYFirst Account. Tuesday. Monday-Friday, except when the college is closed. January 27, 2022. Clear Your Holds Check your Navigate to quickly see if you have any holds. Directory, News (212) 220-8000 June Perino, Undergraduate Adviser Degreeseeking students, All New Incoming Undergraduate You may not register for classes prior to your enrollment appointment. CUNY Policy on Religious Accommodations All Religions and Ethnic Holidays Calendar Select a campus below, after usingCUNYs Global Searchtool to find courses at colleges across the university. The City College of New York. Readmission for Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 opens on April 25, 2022.Open enrollment begins Summer 2022 Continuing Students only, Period Opens to file applications forClinical Nursing. All Rights Reserved. Please note that once your enrollment appointment date has passed, it will no longer be visible in your CUNYfirst account. Directions Spring Regular Academic Session (Spring 2023): 12-week classes run March 7 - June 16, 2023. Last day to drop without the grade of 'WD'; P: 718.951.5136 Dear colleagues, I write today with enormous, ongoing gratitude for everything you've doneand continue to doto get us through, and hopefully past, the health and safety challenges of late 2021 and to position us to welcome our students to campus for the spring 2022 semester. Get the classes you need and the schedule you want. View the Graduate Bulletin. You can contact them by email or phone: Email: Explore courses offered between fall and spring semesters during Winter Session in January. Register early to get the classes and schedule you want. Discrimination and Retaliation Reporting Portal. Kingsborough Community College 2021. Last day to add a class to an existing enrollment; Early Registration for Spring 2021 by appointment for current and readmitted students only. Individual academic progress generates your registration date and time. E:, Finance Last day to withdraw from course with a grade of 'W'; Final Grade Submission Deadline for Spring 2022. 199 Chambers St. NY, NY 10007, Room S-225, Phone: (212) 220-1290 Our highly trained faculty are leaders in their fields. Both cover $210 per credit for degree-related courses, and eligible students must register by December 1. P: 718.951.5136 day of classes), February 4th for spring 2022, that class will not be counted toward your enrollment status (full-time, part-time, three-quarter-time, half-time) for financial aid eligibility. FAFSA priority deadline for 2022-2023 Financial Aid; INC grade for Fall 2021 for Undergraduate students convert to FIN; Web Registration Appointment Schedule for Winter Session 2022. Speak to your advisor. This will also have your enrollment appointment, and how to clear your holds. Your specific registration appointment date and time, known as your enrollment appointment, will be posted in your CUNYfirst account. Registration date and time is based upon the number of credits each student has earned within his/her classification in 15 minute increments ie: Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshmen, and Non-Degree. Job Opportunities All workshops take place on Tuesdays, 12:301:30 p.m. Come learn from them. Committee on Institutional Equity and Diversity, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources, Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology, Office of JFK, Jr. Institute for Worker Education, Office of Professional Education and Workplace Learning, Professional Education and Workplace Learning, Workforce Research Reports and Related Publications, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Return of Federal Financial Aid upon Withdrawal, Undergraduate Academic Probation and Dismissal Policy, Returning as a Certificate Student to CUNY SPS. All rights reserved. The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at Center for Worker Education (CWE), The AccessAbility Center/Student Disability Services, E-Permit Information for City College Students, Academic Information and College Policies, upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination documents. Academic Calendar; Undergraduate Finals Exam List; Notes About the Undergraduate Finals Grid; Schedule of Classesbrowser must accept cookies; Schedule of Classes (pdf) (Feb. 10, 2022) Advisement Workshops With CAASS for All Students. Open enrollment begins for Summer 2022; Last day to submit proof of immunization for non NYS residents; Our social media directory features all our accounts from across campus. P: 718.951.5862 Individual academic progress generates your registration date and time. Early Registration for Spring 2022 by appointment for current and readmitted students only., powered by Localist Event Calendar Software Early Registration for Spring 2022 by appointment for current and readmitted students only. All students are strongly encouraged to register for classes with the CUNY Schedule Builder. Upload your proof of vaccination now to secure your registration. Spring Semester 2022. Spring 2022 Financial Aid Certification date is February 4, 2022 199 Chambers St. NY, NY 10007, Room S-225 An equal opportunity educational institution affiliated with the city university of new york. Call (888) 470-6014. Zina Sharperson, Senior Adviser Last day to drop without the grade of W; You may not register before the appointed date and time. I want to Apply to a Degree Program at CUNY. Hours: (currently operating remotely), Phone: (212) 220-1290 Email the Registrar atregistrar@bmcc.cuny.eduor contactRegistrars Office stafffor help signing up for classes. All Rights Reserved. Wednesday - Wednesday. Directions Get Registration Ready Registration opens on October 31 for the 2023 Winter and Spring semesters! Last day to drop, Course withdrawal period begins (A grade of "W" is assigned to students who officially drop a class), President's Day- COLLEGE CLOSED - NO CLASSES, Early Advisement and Registration begin for Summer and Fall 2022, Spring Recess - NO CLASSES - COLLEGE OFFICES ARE OPEN, Last day of classes before final examination. Please refer to the course information for your college in CUNYfirst. English Language Institutes for Students Educated Outside the U.S. Verification of Enrollment Rosters Due from Faculty; 100% Tuition obligation for course drops; (212) 220-8000 SPRING 2023 SEMESTER COURSES NOW AVAILABLE FOR REGISTRATION. The deadline to submit a religious exception or medical exemption for the Spring 2023 semester is December 16, 2022 , except for Guttman, Kingsborough and LaGuardia community colleges, which have a deadline of February 5, 2023. Don't get left behind and start today! Initial Registration end; Verification of Enrollment rosters available to faculty; All Rights Reserved. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar: Spring 2023 2023-2024 Academic Calendar: Summer 2023 2023-2024 Academic Calendar: Fall 2023 The Academic Calendar is subject to change at any time by official action of the University. Christine Colthirst, Undergraduate Adviser We are here to help you succeed. ; A current or a returning student, please check your student email for . Last day to file e-Permit for Spring 2022; Accessibility January 21: Friday: Last day to apply for Study Abroad. If you drop a class on or before the financial aid certification date (7. th . Admissions to "FIN" grades. Give to BMCC Its easy to make adjustments to your schedule later. January 18. You may register on or after the appointed date and time, up until the day before the first day of the semester. A grade of "WD" is assigned to students who officially drop a class, Lincoln's Birthday Observed- COLLEGE CLOSED - NO CLASSES, Course Withdrawal Drop (WD) period ends. In addition to our 15-week session, registration is open for our Spring Express (7-week and 8-week sessions).. Dont miss your shot to continue your education. Non-Degree or Visiting Students: Registration opens November 9, 2022. ), Last Day to file graduation application for June 2022 Degrees. Faculty & Staff Visiting students (anybody who is not a matriculated student at a CUNY college) must register via the campus offering the course. For the Spring '23 semester, the vast majority of CUNY courses will be in person. Last day to drop classes for 100% tuition refund; Start of Spring Term; If you have questions about advisement or registration, please contact Academic Advisement at or call (212) 220-8315. (Applications can be found on the KCC -Website- on the Department of Nursing Webpage. Not sure who your advisor is, contact, If you need registration assistance, you can meet with our. two doses of Moderna or Pfizer, one dose of Johnson & Johnson, or equivalent), All Religions and Ethnic Holidays Calendar, Discrimination and Retaliation Reporting Portal, Verification of Enrollment Rosters Available to faculty, WA Grades Assigned Immunization non-compliance, Last day to withdraw from course with a grade of W, Last day to drop a course with a grade of W. E:, Business Management Late Registration - $25.00 fee (For students registering for the first time on or after the first day of the semester). Borough of Manhattan Community College Students should refer to ePermit for course approval information. Your specific registration appointment date and time, known as your enrollment appointment, will be posted in your CUNYfirst account. Spring 2022. Students (New and Continuing). In addition to our 15-week session, registration is open for our Spring Express (7-week and 8-week sessions). If you are a currently enrolled student, you may early register for the next semester during the current semester. Your advisor is looking forward to meeting you. In addition to the video above, you can also review these step-by-step instructions : Registration will open and close according to the dates posted on the Academic Calendar. Choose your registration term (e.g., Fall 2021) and select Continue. Contact your advisor to schedule your advising session. With the permission of and in consultation with the Chief Academic Officer/Provost, assessment activities/exams can be conducted In-Person. Registration opens for Summer 2023 and Fall 2023 terms. Contact your advisor to schedule your advising session. Register early to get the classes and schedule you want. Orientation (as scheduled by undergraduate programs) August 14 - 21. Spring Second Session (Summer 2023): 6-week classes run June 22- August 11, 2023. STEP 5: Pay for Classes. View the Undergraduate Bulletin. 199 Chambers Street E:, Childhood, Bilingual, and Special Education Job Opportunities 2023 CUNY School of Professional Studies. Zina Sharperson, Senior Adviser Academic Policies Orientation (as scheduled by programs) January 18. LAST DAY to appeal final grade from Fall 2021 Second session. your registration date and time are available in your CUNYFirst Account. (New and Continuing), All Undergraduate Non-Degree Students We are here to help you succeed. One less thing youll have to think about. The City University of New York Classes begin; Application for degree for Spring 2022 begins, Deadline to upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination documents to CUNYFirst. Schedule of Classes. ), Period Opens to file applications for Pre-Clinical Nursing. Christina Fung, Senior Adviser 199 Chambers Street Hours: Registration is now open for the following classes: Fall Second Session (Winter 2022): 6-week classes run January 3- February 24, 2023. P: 718.951.5601 See more Advisement Directions. One less thing youll have to think about. The offices below are helpful if you encounter additional problems during registration. Its easy to make adjustments to your schedule later. You may register on or after the appointed date and time, up until the day before the first day of the semester. Last day to change or declare a major/minor to be effective in Spring 2022; Every student is assigned a registration date or enrollment date, which appears in your myZou Student Center. If you are: Thinking of applying to BMCC, please visit our Apply Now page. Phone: (212) 220-1300. Mar. Privacy Policy 19. Course Withdrawal Drop (WD) period begins. Friday: 10 a.m.5 p.m. Borough of Manhattan Community College "INC" grades not completed for Fall 2021 and/or Winter 2022 classes will be changed Email the office atregistrar@bmcc.cuny.eduor contactRegistrars Office stafffor help signing up for classes. January 27: Thursday: Last day of Registration; Last day to file e-Permit for Spring 2022; Last day to drop classes for 100% tuition refund; January . Proudly powered by Visual Composer and WordPress. Thursday - Thursday. Course Withdrawal drop period begins (A grade of 'WD' is assigned to students who officially drop a class); Last day for 25% tuition refund; This information must be made available to the students in the schedule of classes . Financial Aid Certification Enrollment Status date; Spring 2022 Registration Begins January 2022 18 Tuesday Deadline to upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination documents to CUNYfirst 27 Thursday Last day to apply for all Spring 2022 ePermits 27 Thursday Last day to drop classes for 100% tuition refund 28 Friday Classes Begin - Spring 2022 February 3 Thursday Last day to drop classes for 75% . Accessibility Secure classes now. The office of theRegistraris currently operating remotely. Students taking in person or hybrid courses must be fully vaccinated when classes begin, meaning unvaccinated students will be dropped before classes begin if they do not meet the below guidelines and deadlines: If . Try to register at that time to have the most choices. New York, NY 10007 MondayThursday: 9 a.m.5 p.m. Event Calendar EverUp Micro-Credentials. Registration opens by appointment for Fall 2022/Winter 2023, Continuing Students only. INC grade for Winter 2021 and Spring 2021 for Graduate students convert to FIN; Last day of Classes; Continuing Students ONLY), Financial Aid Certification Enrollment Status Date, Verification of Enrollment Rosters Available to FacultyGrade of WD is assigned to students who officially drop a course, LAST DAY to appeal final grade from Fall 2021 Second session, LAST DAY to file for Change of Plan (Major) for Spring 2022, LAST DAY to apply for Deletion of Spring 2022 Courses (From Student Transcripts), Verification of Enrollment Rosters Due from faculty, Grade of W is assigned to students who officially drop a course, PERIOD OPENS to file applications for Change of Plan (Major) for Fall 2022, PERIOD OPENS to file Application for Matriculation for Fall 2022 (Non-Degree to Degree), WA Grades Assigned Immunization non-compliance, LAST DAY for students to appeal "WN" grades. I am NOT currently a student at a CUNYcollege. Fax: (212) 220-1254 Enrollment Appointments Registration will open and close according to the dates posted on the Academic Calendar. If you are thinking of using financial aid to pay for a summer class, please contacta City College Financial Aid Advisor to determine your aid eligibility. The City University of New York Orientation (as scheduled by graduate programs) August 21. Hunter College695 Park Ave NY, NY 10065212-772-4000, How to Register for Classes with Schedule Builder, Select the term in which you would like to search for classes directly on the, Undergraduate students will be notified of their enrollment appointment details by the, Graduate degree students, readmitted graduate degree students and graduate non-degree students will be notified of their registration date by. Admissions Email: Directory, News P: 718.951.5136 Course Registration Information Registration takes place four times per academic year, once for each of the semesters: fall, winter intersession, spring, and summer. Virtual Tour Mizzou Online Dates- Review your to-do list on CUNYFirst. Course Withdrawal period ends. P: 718.951.5447, Early Childhood Education Winter 2023 Registration Appointment Dates: Groups: Registration Starts: Honors: 10/31/2022: Continuing Undergraduate: 10/31/2022-11/04/2022: Graduate . Published on 08/24/2022. Last day of Registration; Spring 2023. Spring 2022. ; A newly admitted student, please visit the After You Are Admitted page. P: 718.951.5205, Secondary Education All continuing undergraduate and graduate students register via self-service in CUNYfirst at an assigned appointment time. A guide for viewing your enrollment appointment is availablehere. T: 516.595.3471 Library Spring Regular 2022. Start of Spring Term Classes Begin Late registration begins; Late registration fee $25 Change of program fee $18: 31: Last day to add a course Last day to drop for 75% tuition refund Last day to register for Undergraduate/Graduate Internship and Independent Study. Browse Course Schedule on CUNYfirst. Create a class schedule that works best for you. All rights reserved. The City College of New York. 718.951.5000 Speak to your advisor. If you see a hold on your student record reflected as "ADV", this means you will need to meet with your Advisor before registering. Period closes to file the application for Clinical Nursing. Newly admitted and readmitted students must claim and activate their CUNYfirst account in order to receive notification of their enrollment appointment. Visiting students (anybody who is not a matriculated student at a CUNY college) must register via the campus offering the course. Schedule of Classes; Bulletins; ePermit; Students. The waivers do not cover fees and materials such as textbooks. Last day for 75% tuition refund; Start here. You may not register before the appointed date and time. HR/Campus Solutions > Self Service > Enrollment > Enrollment: Add Classes. New Yorkers who earned $80,000 or less in 2022 can use NYC Free Tax Prep to file with the help of IRS-certified volunteer preparers. Learn abouthousing options that are available in Brooklyn., 2023 Accounting Under Search Criteria, select at least 2 search fields (subject, course number). Wed. Mar. Degrees, Certificates and Programs Sidebar, Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination documents, Student Dropped for COVID-19 Vaccination Non-Compliance with initial series of vaccination shots (e.g. All Synchronous class meeting days/times must be listed in the schedule of classes for students at the time of enrollment. August 10 - 24. . If you have questions about advisement or registration, please contact Academic Advisement at or call (212) 220-8315. Registration Navigational Steps. You are not considered officially registered until payment is received. Monday. Transfer Students, All Graduate Non-Degree Students Pathways. Financial Aid, scholarships and tuition payment plans, on-campus jobs are available. Human Resources Need advisement? Registration opens for Winter 2022 Session and Spring 2022 term. LAST DAY to file for Change of Plan (Major) for Spring 2022. See Student Center > Enrollment Dates. 'WA' Grades assigned - Immunization non-compliance; Advising month begins for Summer and Fall enrollment; Students enrolled in in-person or hybrid classes for Spring 2022 will be required to get the booster shot as soon as they are eligible for it. E: Tuesday and Wednesday: 9 a.m.6 p.m. Copyright 2018 BMCC. Schedule Builder is a real-time class scheduling tool that enables you to plan and register for courses that meet your schedules and other needs. Panther Station Text-only Version, Information for: The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at Center for Worker Education (CWE), The AccessAbility Center/Student Disability Services, E-Permit Information for City College Students, Academic Information and College Policies. Students must register in . October 27 1st Day to Register for Spring 2022 Missouri Online 6- month self-paced courses (with a start date of July 8, 2021). Christina Fung, Senior Adviser New York, NY 10007 January 12 - 26. Certification Workshops: January 2022. Human Resources LAST DAY to apply for a Summer 2022 ePermit to attend another CUNY college. Set up aNelnet payment plan. See Student Center > Enrollment Dates. Get extra time and options to pay your tuition. Registration for the SPRING 2023 semester with the union's Education Fund is now available on the DC 37 website. Panther Station P: 718.951.5136 LAST DAYfor changing of "INC" for Fall 2021 and/or Winter 2022 classes. Application for degree for Spring 2022 begins. Any CUNY student or employee who needs to be tested for any reason may walk into a site, show their CUNY ID, register . E:, Economics 16. Secure classes now. Tuesday. Course Withdrawal period ends (Last day for 'WD' grades); Monday - Monday. Have general questions? Undergraduate Applicants Educated Outside the U.S. Graduate Applicants Educated Outside the U.S. Veterans Fee Waiver for Undergraduate Degree Applicants, Veterans Fee Waiver for Graduate Degree Applicants, Veterans Fee Waiver for Certificate Applicants, Health Services Administration Organization, Management and Entrepreneur Leadership Organization (MELO), The National Society of Leadership and Success, Enough is Enough:Combating Sexual Misconduct, Registration opens for Winter 2022 Session and Spring 2022 term, Last day to file ePermit request for Spring 2022 term, Last day to drop a class with 100% tuition refund, Drop date for non-compliance with COVID-19 vaccination mandate, First day to drop a class with 75% refund, First day to drop a class with 50% refund, First day to drop a class with 25% refund, CUNY SPS is closed, no classes scheduled*, Last day to drop a class without a "W" grade, First day of withdrawal, grade of "W" will be recorded, Last day to withdraw from a class and receive grade of "W", Classroom based courses-no further class meetings, Online courses-no new work or new assignments made, Conferral date for Spring 2022 Degrees and Certificates.