You, who answer our prayersAnd our humble petitions,Having reconciled with us,Grant our need in your mercy. He will not let your foot be moved, he who keeps you will not slumber. Reject not the needs of your devotees. No amount is too small. we acknowledge our sins, have mercy on us. People are waiting in the streets of Ramallah for the Holy Fire on the Greek Orthodox feast Sabt al-Nr ("Light Saturday"). xVN@}]WBpJK> SF6x3bK 2 \:=eE:[,r/%Mf$+pP$N8;F^p,'G~Bd(4XgDmN.#pCba;{E+8:BPA^my^vSt,9t>RnX %PDF-1.5 Fourth Sunday of Great Lent. Amen. endobj Amen. endobj We look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Fr. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one true God forever and ever. 9 0 obj Lord, by your death, our death has been destroyed. 8 0 obj O Holy Father, guard by your sacred name. My life is always in Your hands, I do not forget Your laws. Amen. Fr. 1 0 obj Amen. Moryo rahem `a lay noo `adarayn.9. <> To my peaceful sleep, O Lord,Let your Blood be protector;In your image you made me,Let my soul dwell free from sin. Stomen kalos4, Kyrie eleison5. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 396 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The Lord is with thee.Blessed are thou among womenand blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God,pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. 5 0 obj Orthodox Prayers By jdmdeveloper ( Free ) 15 Orthodox prayers are with us at all times. O Holy Mother! Bless all peoples of the world, and bring together O Lord, into the unity of the true Catholic Communion, all those who are separated from us. we, the sinful, grieve about your dispassionate last judgement7. INDIAN ORTHODOX. Let your Cross guard us from the evil one and all his powers. His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Ivanios is our current Diocesan Metropolitan. You are the One who gives, and I, the one who begs from you. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 396 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Have mercy upon us, O Lord. <> Baby Varghese in Prayers of the Holy Week (2012). <> 6 0 obj Let the wicked fall into their own traps, while I go unharmed. 2 0 obj -4- Archbishop And Patriarchal Vicar Of The Malankara Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church in North America His Eminence Mor Titus Eldho -5- GREAT LENTEN EVENING PRAYER During the Great Lent, this prayer is to be said for the . Basic Prayers for everyone.Prayers:- The Lord`s Prayer.- The Jesus Prayer.- The Creed.- Prayer Before Sleep.- Holy Mother of God.- Prayer to the Guardian Angel.- The Holy . Malankara Orthodox Church P.O.Box 17318, Doha Qatar Tel: +974 44165688 Email: +974 44165722 +974 44165723. Grant hope and salvation to the souls of those who pray to you. endobj Amen. stream O Lord! The Malankara Orthodox Passover (Pesaha) Liturgical service is conducted traditionally in the very early hours (02.00 A.M) on Thursday in the Holy week. Send an angel of the lightThat he may guard my body;Subdue lustful tendencies,For I consumed your Body. O Mother! For all the blessings we received from you today, we praise you. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation. RESPONSE: Let Thy right hand overshadow us all the days of our lives, and Thy peace reign among us. During this night guard me, LordWhile I sleep most peacefully;Let me not be ruled overBy foul thoughts and evil ones. Faithful: Halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate. Remove my blindness and allow me to see. Lord, we confess that we are sinners, have mercy upon us. Fr. The Great Lent - Evening Prayers & Songs. by Rev. 1This is invariable for all evening prayers. 8 0 obj Lord Jesus Christ, when You come gloriously with the company of angels, let our departed ones stand before you with praises. Grant me, Lord, a restful sleepBecause of your humble Cross Let me enter not the pathOf wicked dreams, in my sleep. endobj <>/Metadata 3278 0 R/ViewerPreferences 3279 0 R>> qtv2aU;"h|k@^f(HT\VteH)k~cNheK ,87Zi|*cN When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then You know my path. Holy Week | Evening PrayerRev. Open the gate of your mercy to my petitions and receive my prayer in your bountiful presence. xVRE+%I _pH/R@X={e10ThmcSD|n+I_/R-~i9\@?oovo 3Wh62h'kEL6U"{?nzNCl}\mBVw=]maFqg!Qtb@usBVlvsr6jLpRP9?oWUr]S D4|`&:/1aD l]t[._KEnk (&Tw=#qt@+j;vT:QEs(e&Ca{ZkN>8DL[PTad0w zRl=8LorD.aimXYmyZ;$)0CVXV]YK xZn6+tQhp4M["+cq@~!%]$Z~)/93DOo][(W/qiJ*rDh(A3oCdn3T?q^T?UHIBuPkm~_PJUZ)q)~AyuR.p^+!(pA=9,V= f 9K@Niemn8nByZpKi_B7 S-I8"p~I For bringing us to this life, we praise you. <> The Ministry of Liturgical Resource Development (LRD) has provided English resources for the Hours of Prayer of the Holy Week. Lead me forth from prison that I may praise your name. 25th day of the fifty day lent. In the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, O Lord, grant rest to your servants. God bless. O Lord, open to us Your merciful door, as you did to the thief. O Virgin Mother! Truly, the Lord's goodness is for ever. <> x\ksFv_4w@4-K[,SR*E.y#YY[41 II<={ocyU8UcQ[.weU N}oc_E .;7rrvU>E??^?<0l} -Wo_oUr_ aU6edWih+_WsYw55a=M_o)w* ej%_G;OSFl_}?/n+!3 k.\G. You are Holy and Glorious forever.You are Holy and Glorious forever.You are Holy and your name is blessed forever. Barekhmor. 17 0 obj Amen. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 5065 >> The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and for evermore. Praise Him, all you people. Kurie-eleison. <> <> % Basil Malankara Orthodox Church on April 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm. Commemorates Jesus healing the crippled woman. They have hidden snares for me in the way I have to walk. From hard-hearted and wicked deeds, from undying worms and unquenchable fire from the gnashing of teeth and lamentation, from unbearable consequences, from evil hours, tormenting powers, and all sudden afflictions, save us. Thomas PaulSt. stream <> Just search the Syriac title for the song which you can find underneath the title of each hymn in the book. <> enable us to take part in the memory of Your Mother, prophets, apostles, martyrs, and all saints. "g\u] \e,*Ch(}U,0cP gXOaEeu`! Do Thou give hope and salvation to the souls that pray to Thee. Please click here to access the audio recording files. %PDF-1.7 Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. ALL (TOGETHER): By the prayers of St. Mary, Thy Mother, and of all Thy Saints, O God forgive us our debts, and have mercy upon us. 10 0 obj O True God, save us from all evils and wickedness from all malicious and adulterous thoughts, from all enemies and deceitful companions, from temptations of the devil and the wickedness of men; from unholy passions and foul lust: from devilish thoughts and evil dreams, from hidden snares and betrayals, from idle and revengeful words, and from all worldly temptations. Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. Like a servant to his master, I raised my eyes to you. Our guardian angels, guard us in divine grace and holiness throughout this night. . QUICK . O Lord, Your love made you descend from Your place to us that by Your death, our death was abolished; have mercy upon us. Qurobo in Celebration of 15 Years Anniversary of Emanuel Family. For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. endobj We confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. xX]o0}G?[11X&B~6 v6x^h6s=7u=lr.E6?g*;-U,UvK.We~Q^2@h] j88+d6Iq$8"y}|7Dsfn^hv88}fCTB!ih?PoB3Xq~Jx/IgIapEh"Dvdn U}+KH\.$v+2"&VY-N@COHU[XIX Kd8YqF# j endobj I am made to be low, Lord. " ;M|}3n.oB(I(}(bA+9U%}V[F;MCo+Pvd+@qw0?aO0[iMwtM4[:7VgMy}v9 <> 10 0 obj stream <> Please note, this is a preliminary DRAFT and is subject to further revision prior to official publication. Let my prayer be like incense in your sight, my uplifted hands be like an evening sacrifice. O God, you are great, and I, lowly. Have pity and mercy upon us, O Lord. Blessed be the glory of the Lord in his place forever. Blessed be the glory of the Lord in his place forever. Blessed is the glory of the Lord in his place forever. Heal all those who are ill and bless the orphans, homeless, unemployed and destitute. Thomas Orthodox Cathedral, DubaiAffiliated to Delhi Diocese, 2023 St. Thomas Orthodox Cathedral, Dubai - All rights reserved | Powered By Technoxen. 16 0 obj 2May change the first person when praying in a group. Bless our nation, its leaders and all its people. O God, you are the King and I am your servant. 16 0 obj O God, we call upon you to assist us in our weakness. O Good One, listen to the voice of our supplication and, in your mercy, grant our petitions. Malankara Orthodox Church P.O.Box 17318, Doha Qatar Tel: +974 44165688 Email: +974 44165722 +974 44165723. 7 0 obj You are mighty and I, weak. endobj endobj Amen. endobj The wicked have set traps for me, but I have not strayed from your commands. endobj All: O my soul, praise the Lord: do not forget His blessings. On the third day He rose again according to His holy will and ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. EVENING PRAYER OF THE UNIVERSAL SYRIAC ORTHODOX CHURCH ( Great Lenten Prayers) . . since you have acceptance in the presence of God, pray that your intercession grant us forgiveness and mercy, heal the sick, bring relief to the afflicted and the return of those who are away to us peacefully. Commemorates Jesus healing the paralytic. You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that waste at noonday. 5 0 obj O Lord God, we give you praise,Praise a thousand, thousand fold;Innumerable praises raise,Shower your grace on us always. |L0xi2=N[`12&+%M"lH`e+sU Commemorates Jesus healing the man born blind. Lord! Copyright 2009 Diocese of South-West America. Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in UAE St. Thomas Orthodox Cathedral, Dubai Affiliated to Delhi Diocese. Answer me, O Lord, and bless me. Also below is a link to a folder of audio recordings done by the LRD for the different tones of the Holy Week evening prayers. 5 0 obj While my soul was in agony, I cried unto the Lord with my voice; with all my voice I made supplication. Great is His goodness for us. Incline my heart to keep Your commands, in truth, for ever. Grant me, Lord, a peaceful eveAnd a righteous night as well;So that I shall know your willAnd fulfill it willingly. endobj Your glorious name is praised on earth among us. SuK$QIvi~TqvhW&f4a?nnnm[ypwz- Y4a?qu1b3QQQ}0DrqmpxT"P.D+9=$e4J>Giqib@UpNP6(",,K_.P'4:2I]*344tMlRC|FAfR&d;?r1T!$ FU,i. Thomas PaulSt. % I lift up my eyes to the hills. <> In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one true God forever and ever. The Passover service xWN@}Gz% VE%jip.b}wL8&f33(dqY']'&r:YqtNv23d(h!L 6Cu6;0\!5x7 >3PLK@dT.(!bh:j AZe6 bewjSow\Q{6@FEZ J7,bv0+h%9S j!-(Nw9- m{J]y3 $2 )t"HG&5k3"b;3B1(A(# PtgK@Q2:e7 +m]xq}|[,QS]f"QIkt^YEi9I`db]7e&2:Pavp)(su;pz"~_-/ebuw/pj06mNlREV 5#+~oX6kQA!Jh Z !J8a\:D0.KHO4'eQJJfB~\Od? Commemorates the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. (Repeat 3 times). Moses and nibi-ElijahOffered fast for forty days;Jesus conquered His enemyWith the fast of forty days. *This booklet is a preliminary edition and is subject to future edits **Several hymns during Holy Week are no longer sung in Malankara Orthodox churches but are chanted as prose, presumably because the Hashonoyo melodies for those forms (the special melodies unique <> We believe in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church. Give me life according to Your word. Barekmor. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church: Holy Week Prayers. In accordance with your instruction, I call upon you. endobj Event Navigation Holy Week | Pesaha Thursday Evening Prayer 2021 Holy Week | Good Friday Evening Prayer 2021 on the Internet. 11 0 obj )g3[-fb\=|jp{e'i$Q"':l/Y s}, We believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. He has spoken through the prophets and apostles. Explanation of Holy Qurbana; FAQ about Orthodox Church; Lectionary of Syriac Orthodox Church; . Our Father, who art in heaven.Hallowed be Thy name.Thy kingdom come.Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespassed against us,and lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil one.For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever. Give heed to my words and answer me. endobj (3 Day Lent Vespers - Malayalam) (3 Day Lent Nocturns - Malayalam) (3 . Have mercy on us, O Lord.Have pity and mercy on us, O Lord. O Holy Spirit, we praise you, for you are the Sanctifier and the one who sustains us. 0*@ Protect us this night. stream UhG%8^ R3I8wa;,D@"~k!m M will observe all the hours of prayer, and all the sacred services of Holy Week while living on campus, praying, fasting, and immersing ourselves in the prayers of the Church together. Holy Baptism- Eng+Mal. I said, You are my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. O God the Father, we praise you, for you are our Creator and Protector. All: O my soul, praise the Lord: all that is in me, bless His holy name. 1 0 obj 17 0 obj You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot. O Holy Trinity, we praise you, for revealing yourself to the Holy Catholic Church and for making us her children. 2|,oO;o>0Mx5,*^u%ZOW{]CRxu_4Cq }+~82+!c-iIPs|dm0Al1w:MVjG3:?,5WmQ53(108a"hhCt]WjrMMh1&nU- o;wR>c;@{@]4} h0z=#s rk" <> Let our sins be pardoned. By the grace of God, this work was completed for the benefit of . The procession is attended by both Christians and Muslims. Bless all our eparchies, parishes, missions, priests, seminarians, and the men and women religious of our Church. Truly they are the joy of my heart. Answer us and have mercy upon us, O Lord. Bless the Holy Church throughout the world. We dedicate to you the rest of our life; graciously accept our offerings. Hosanna in the highest! Amen. D-xAyt]j S3_O1Du*Xf-9KD` ,sX`KAPu_t-YG@HjH xDP"$@ Hail Mary, full of Grace! endobj Donate to St Basil Church: https://www.stbasilchurchny. Valiya Noyambilae Namaskaram English/ Malayalam. <>>> O God the Father, the Good One, who bless, sanctify and bring everything to completion, make me worthy to praise you unceasingly, and your Only-begotten Son, and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever. God accept, and be pleased in our worship and prayers and be gracious to us. stream Celebrating Easter twice: Holy Week in a Palestinian Village . Fulfill your work in me, Lord,And save my life by your Cross ;Due to the love that sustained me,On rising, shall I praise you. 4 0 obj Holy Week | Holy Saturday Evening Prayer. Praise we offer you, O Lord,One true God and One alone;Father, Son and Holy Ghost,Three in One and One in Three. endobj ;_ / `_+.Ve'>?\(9Vh+*3jzRG|| While my body calmly rests,Let your might keep watch on it;Like a sweet smoke of incenseLet it rise before your throne. k8}-v Bf'Sb #B/nwu0\h>u]&8d/a$kyU%? Commemorates Jesus healing the daughter of the Cananite woman. '-G xS {XF#!+NJP V|m`x ~&;X95l@xi1`p S'*s{YW`*)w |sX&~Cy|#Zn|%\v# Mo7PI[@]'rvM}bT~7O>+?tBFHy0=ZS. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). O Lord, listen to our prayers with mercy and answer them with compassion. Baby Varghese in Prayers of the Holy Week (2012). 19 0 obj Accept our repentance as you had accepted the penance of the tax collector and the sinful woman. All services will be held under the leadership of our weak self, along with the Reverend Father Jerry Varghese, all of our Deacons and Seminarians of our Diocese. By their prayers, protect the living and in Your mercy sanctify our faithful departed. '4=Noe([ u1~Kn8p~u#n!ReEECQ You are eternal, and, I am fleeting. Bless the Head of the Universal Church, the Holy Father Pope Francis; the Head and Father of our Church, Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; But it will not come near you. <> 2022 Holy Week 2022 AJM Basketball Tournament 2022 Parish Picnic 2022 Christmas Caroling For the good examples and wise teachings of your saints, we praise you. On body, your handicraft,Be pleased to place your right hand;Like a shield, you protect meIn your fortress of mercy. <> View More . Sophia E Library Bless us, O God, that we may offer you with thankful hearts, acceptable praise and honor. <> Glory to you, our Hope forever. grant good remembrance to the faithful departed who have received Your atoning body and blood. Home Celebrating Easter twice: Holy Week in a Palestinian Village. We continue to request your prayers and support for this ministry. Baby Varghese in Prayers of the Holy Week (2012). Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Many Syro-Malabar Catholics set up shrines in their homes, in a central hallway, dining room or sitting room. Fax: 281-459-0814. xSSW B $ Z!$( AHE0PZ_ XQoRnkgbvNSk+,Toss_~N>~rys-YZbZ4;55Lk S your grace has astonished the heavenly beings. The wicked have set traps for me, but I have not strayed from your commands. (Special prayers for the day may be said here). Passion Week Prayer Book (Eng-Mal) View More . May their bodies and souls together sing: Blessed is He who has come and will come and raise the dead!. Common Prayers of Christians Pampakkuda: evening prayer house blessing Fast of Nineveh Prayers endobj <> Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Your good deeds have been counted worthy by your Lord Jesus Christ, and He has revered and upheld your memory. Blessed is He who has come and is to come in the name of the Lord. Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than me. The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. Official website of Diocese of South-West America (Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church). I treasure up Your testimonies. Bless our shepherd and bishop, Aboon Mor Stephanos, and all the bishops of the true faith. Feb 3: All Departed Holy Fathers, St.Bar Soumo Memory of all departed holy fathers of the church. Search the history of over 797 billion ?OWMm$2;/J[tP(;:!aHb7Ns:A PI7 NU6Z$7,qTlI#WH/bB(!>y_%:oF)u8sh2_sP^kjcf Y% rA)7O)E[AR5" L}h1Ztv>j&{KstROX(P %?wp,O_. Evening Prayers for Hasho Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Draft Version - 2017 Liturgical Resource Development. I poured out my affliction before Him, I told Him all my troubles. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 396 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Let me stand before you, LordKeeping vigil earnestly;Should I fall asleep again,Let me not fall into sin. Grant me the grace to follow your commandments to meditate on your just decrees during the day, and to fulfill your will. St.Mary's Malankara Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church 262-22 Union Turnpike, Glen Oaks, New York, 11004. . %PDF-1.4 endobj Evening Prayer every day 7:00 pm onwardsRev. O God, remove from me the sleep of evil and, on account of your perfect and just commandments, grant me the grace to meditate upon your holy name and vigilantly offer thanksgiving to you. Email: Kyrie Elieson. 15 0 obj 3 0 obj <> endobj Let the righteous man teach me, let him reprove me, but the oil of the wicked shall not anoint my head, my prayer is against their evil deeds. <> Holy are you, O God.Holy are you, the Mighty. | Washing the Feet Service, Vade Dalmino SERVICE, Hosanna - Palm Sunday Service Book (Malayalam/English), Holy Qurbana (Hindi - English Transliteration), MOSC Perunnal Shushrusha Kramam (Aandu Thaksa), Sandhya Prarthana [Pampakuda] Malayalam & Manglish, Passion Week Prayer Book (English-Malayalam-Manglish), Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in UAESt. He will come again in great glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. Malayalam Transliterated Holy Week Prayers Combined Holy Week Liturgy 2020 Holy Week The Feast of Pentecost Worship Schedule Wednesday: Evening Prayer (Vespers): 6:30PM Saturday: Evening Prayer (Vespers): 6:30PM Sunday: Midnight Prayer: 7:30AM Morning Prayer (Matins): 8:00AM Holy Qurbana: 8: 45AM Address May your prayers be a refuge to us. Fr. Holy and Glorious Trinity, have mercy on us.Holy and Glorious Trinity, have mercy on us.Holy and Glorious Trinity, have compassion and mercy on us. I lift up my eyes to you, Lord. In some of our Parishes outside Kerala, where members need to travel long distance to attend the service, it is observed on Wednesday evening. <> Like those prayers that rose highFrom sea, dungeon, and furnace,May the door of your mercyOpen to our petition. endstream Lord, let our prayers be like a pleasing incense before you. There are around 54 parishes under this Diocese. The Diocese is headquartered in Beasley, Texas. Please download/open the prayer book for the Evening & Compline prayers of the Holy Week by opening the link below. To you our eyes are turned; forgive us our debts and sins in this world and in the world to come, and have mercy on us. For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit, He was born of the Virgin Mary and became incarnate. shield us from all menace that confront us and forbid from us the whirls and tides of this world. DAILY PRAYERS MORNING : 7:00 AM EVENING : 7:15 PM. May the prayers and blessings of Mary, the Mother of God and all the saints be with us now and always.Amen. Golgotha is erected in the middle of the sanctuary. Address: P.O Box 2563. O God, the lover of those who are unblemished and upright, grant us perfection in our hearts. St.(Name6)! Sixth Sunday of Great Lent. <>/Metadata 800 0 R/ViewerPreferences 801 0 R>> HOLY CONFESSION Thursday 06:00 PM (with prior information to the priest) . Let it rise to the highest like an offering of fragrance. Preserve us in your grace and holiness, today and all the days of our life. <> My life is always in Your hands, I do not forget Your laws. lUWr-oEu'@!\I2 % Have mercy on us. <> endobj O Lord, protect us beneath the shadow of the wings of your loving kindness and have mercy upon us. Grant us, O Christ our Savior, an evening full of peace and a night of holiness, for you are the King of Glory. 6Name of the patron saint or name of the saint whose feast falls on that day. My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. endobj Lord, set a guard at my mouth, a sentry at the door of my lips, that my heart may not turn to evil and indulge in the deeds of wickedness. You, who answer all petitions, hear the prayers of your servants in your mercy. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. THOMAS MALANKARA ORTHODOX CHURCH 2021 Holy Week Schedule March 29, 2021 Kindly refer to the flyer below regarding the Holy Week schedule for this year. You are the One who forgives, and I, the sinner. . 4 0 obj Glory to you, O Christ the King, who have compassion on your sinful servants. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. O lover of mankind, I entreat you: allow me not to sleep the sleep of evil, but purify my heart and lead me away from evil dreams. As you are pleased in the offer of incense, accept our worship, prayers, supplications and praises without counting our unworthiness, and grant our petitions. *This booklet is a preliminary . Guard me, Lord, during daytimeLest I transgress your command;If I commit sin in sleep,Let your mercy pardon me. Intercessionary Prayer to St. Mary in English; Holy Week Hymns (English) House Blessing Prayers (English and Malayalam) Denaho Book; Malankara Metropolitan; Diocese of Madras; Historical Perspective; Faith and Beliefs . Memorial of the 40 martyrs of Sebeste. endobj O Lord, full of mercy, renew your creatures by the resurrection. I cried unto You, O Lord! endobj 14 0 obj endstream endobj Lord, bless all families and the whole world, and in your grace and plentitude, bless us all. From divine wrath and sudden death, from anger and hatred, from lightning and thunder, from plagues and hell-fire. Men olam. And give rest and pardon to the dead who have slept in your hope and await your coming. Glory to you, our Lord. JFIF ZExif MM * J icm Q Q sQ s XICC_PROFILE HLino mntrRGB XYZ 1 acspMSFT IEC sRGB -HP cprt P 3desc lwtpt bkpt rXYZ gXYZ , bXYZ @ dmnd T pdmdd vued L view $lumi meas $tech 0 rTRC. Lord, have mercy upon usLord, accept this service, andGrant us from your treasury vast,Mercy, blessing and pardon. O Lord! *This booklet is a preliminary edition and is subject to future edits **Several hymns during Holy Week are no longer sung in Malankara Orthodox churches but are chanted as prose, presumably because the Hashonoyo melodies for those forms (the special melodies unique
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