content theories include all of the following theories except:

To please and win affection of a coveted object. b) Social To conceal or justify a misdeed, failure, or humiliation. Round to the nearest cent. Assume that any temporary external investment of money earns I0% per year and that any temporary financing is done at 6%. d. goal-setting theory. Subsistence It is too easy. c) Existence, relatedness, and growth e) organizational justice, ___________ is the degree to which all people are treated the same under a policy. d) esteem. c) reinforcers a) Acquired needs theory c) ERG theory contends that more than one need may be activated at a particular point in time, whereas Maslow's theory does not. In contrast, he can exert a lot of effort and still not catch a fish. During the process of refining and extending Maslows theory, Alderfer provided another need-based theory and a somewhat more useful perspective on motivation.12 Alderfers ERG theory compresses Maslows five need categories into three: existence, relatedness, and growth.13 In addition, ERG theory details the dynamics of an individuals movement between the need categories in a somewhat more detailed fashion than typically characterizes interpretations of Maslows work. a) expectancy Ans: e Page: 102 3. e) The theory fails and does not clearly categorize salary. a) People with a high need for achievement prefer individual responsibilities, challenging goals, and performance feedback. On the other hand, there is some evidence that people satisfy the lower-order needs before they attempt to satisfy higher-order needs. In contrast, if high-nAff people perform jobs in isolation from other people, they will be less motivated to perform well. d. through the insights of clinicians d Transpersonal psychology's founders include all of the following except: a. Abraham Maslow b. John Krumboltz c. Stanislav Grof. The Prison Expansion Era. b) improved working conditions The more we grow, the more we want to grow. For example, by providing adequate pay, safe working conditions, and cohesive work groups, employers help employees satisfy their lower-order needs. c) internalized negative inequity Accounting for the imputed interest on a noninterest bearing note receivable is an example of what aspect of accounting theory? d) Who will be a more appropriate manager for an employee Term used to describe a therapy style in which the therapist remains relatively neutral and does not interpret or take direct actions with regard to the client, instead remaining a calm, nonjudgmental listener while the client talks. a) achievement Employees who continuously have to be told how to do their jobs require an overly large management team, and too many layers of management spell trouble in the current marketplace. A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death which researchers claim share similar characteristics.When positive, such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light. Term. (Credit: Stefan Chow/ flickr/ Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)),,, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Intrinsic rewards satisfy higher-order needs like relatedness and growth in ERG theory. Describe a content theory of motivation. Which of the following is the correct order of Maslow's needs from the lowest (lower-order need) to the highest (higher-order need)? c) Higher-order needs become more important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. According to McClelland, Joanna has a high need for _____________. b. integrative. d) Interactional justice Effective managers carefully assess the degree to which people have high or low nAff. a) Safety There are four major process theories: (1) operant conditioning, (2) equity, (3) goal, and (4) expectancy. Jason Mackenzie Alexander argues morality is a form of social technology - it is context specific and it can go out-of-date The need for achievement (nAch) is how much people are motivated to excel at the tasks they are performing, especially tasks that are difficult. Workers also took the opportunity to clean lighting fixtures, change bulbs, and repair platform edges while performing high-intensity station cleaning. Teleological theories include all of the following except A) Ethical egoism B) Utilitarianism C) Altruism D)Ethical egalitarianism Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 42 D Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Vickemz Terms in this set (42) Teleological theories include all of the following except A) Ethical egoism a. e) It is not commonly used outside of the United States. b) Hierarchy of needs theory For example, our need for water takes precedence over our need for social interaction (this is also called prepotency). e) Physiological. Multiple Choice Quiz. Manifest needs theory assumes that human behavior is driven by the desire to satisfy needs. Hygienes can cause dissatisfaction if they are not present in sufficient levels. Are CCC and DDD mutually exclusive? __________ is classified as a process theory. 59. d) power The second set of needs he termed hygienes. Hygienes relate to the work environment and are based in the basic human need to avoid pain. According to Herzberg, growth needs motivate us to perform well and, when these needs are met, lead to the experience of satisfaction. a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Managers often assume that employees do not have certain needs because the employees never try to satisfy them at work. So what motivates employees to give their all, work creatively, and be fully engaged? Good pay by itself will only make the employee neutral toward work; to attain satisfaction, employees need challenging job duties that result in a sense of achievement. d) Existence, relatedness, and goals __________ is the process of developing, negotiating, and formalizing the targets or objectives that a person is responsible for accomplishing. c) People who feel they are overpaid tend to decrease the quantity or quality of their work, whereas people who feel they are underpaid tend to increase the quantity or quality of their work. More specifically, Herzberg believes these motivators lead to high performance (achievement), and the high performance itself leads to satisfaction. e) Motivation, If the average worker can produce 25 ornaments an hour, which goal is likely to lead to the best performance? It doesnt matter whether the information implies success or failure. According to CB Bhattacharya, the Pietro Ferrero Chair in Sustainability at ESMT European School of Management and Technology in Berlin, Germany, employment engagement, or how positive employees feel about their current job, was at an all-time low globally in 2016: 13 percent. e) Less difficult goals are more likely to lead to higher performance than are more difficult goals. Organizational behavior researchers, however, are not as enamored with it because research results dont support Maslows hierarchical notion. a) The theory may be method bound. b. ERG theory. benzodiazepines e. The use of drugs to control or relieve the symptoms of psychological disorders. A motive is a source of motivation; it is the need that a person is attempting to satisfy. SDT specifies when an activity will be intrinsically motivating and when it will not. d) all three needs may not be activated at the same time If not, Murray calls this a latent need. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Long since displaced by more refined theories, hedonism clarifies the idea that needs provide direction for motivation. Refinements of Maslows theory in recent years reflect this more limited hierarchy.11 The self-assessment below will allow you to evaluate the strength of your five needs. A disaster may be domestic or international b. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written Concept related to Betty Neuman's System Model of Nursing is: A. In 2016, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) launched a pilot program called Jump in which employees participated in challenges on ways to save water and electricity, as well as other sustainability issues. To answer this question, we must examine types of motivation. b) valence Do you think social responsibility to promote sustainable practices? On the other hand, SDT would suggest that to enhance intrinsic motivation on jobs that are interesting, dont focus only on increasing extrinsic rewards (like large pay bonuses). e) It is too culture bound. High-nAch people are not motivated by tasks that are too easy or extremely difficult. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. b) perceived positive inequity 56. A. Florence Nightingale's Environment Theory . e) Organizational justice, According to expectancy theory, the value the individual attaches to various work outcomes is known as __________. a) achievement c) reinforcers Job content is what we actually do when we perform our job duties. b) satisfier factors c) an individual's choice when presented with a number of possible alternatives a. These outside the person factors are extrinsic rewards. B) an individual's intensity, direction and persistence. c) It can vary across cultures. Give examples. They recorded $97,440 in accounts receivable for the year and$288,550 in credit sales. d) Goal setting d) It is more effective in non-United States cultures. d) Motivation-hygiene theory Which of the following statements is true with regards to the research on Maslow's needs hierarchy? He called the first set motivators (or growth needs). c) McClelland's acquired needs theory. A need is a human condition that becomes energized when people feel deficient in some respect. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . c) Do your best b) only two needs may be activated at the same time Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool is a free Christian homeschool curriculum for grades K-12. A PURCHASE DOES NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. These eight types of intelligence represent the varied ways individuals process information. c.) relatedness The content theories of motivation include all of the following EXCEPT: a. hierarchy of needs theory. d) Hygiene factors contribute to job satisfaction. But not all companies battle such low engagement rates. Hedonism, one of the first motivation theories, assumes that people are motivated to satisfy mainly their own needs (seek pleasure, avoid pain). b) Stajkovic, Locke, and Blair Some jobs are by their very nature uninteresting and unlikely to be made interesting. b) Equity b) self esteem ______ needs tend to take on higher importance in collectivist societies. The distinction between instinctive and learned needs sometimes blurs; for example, is our need to socialize with other people instinctive or learned? Developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring relationship Creative use of self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process to engage in artistry of caring-healing practices Practice of loving kindness and equanimity (self-control/composure) within context of caring consciousness The unique feature of Herzbergs theory is that job conditions that prevent dissatisfaction do not cause satisfaction., Bombas. They build empires, and they protect them. In your position, you serve on committees with people from outside of your organizational units and attend professional meetings. Apparently, people dont go through the five levels in a fixed fashion. c.) physiological, safety, and social. Watson's carative factors include all the following, EXCEPT: A. Which equation correctly reflects Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation? Which of the following is classified as a content theory? exports to Europe? Considerable numbers of studies have demonstrated that tasks are intrinsically motivating when they satisfy at least one of three higher-order needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness. e) relatedness, According to McClelland, someone with a high need for _________ is drawn to interpersonal relationships and opportunities for communication. Bhattacharya credits the success of Unilever, and other companies with similar engagement levels, to an emphasis on a sustainable business model. He outlines eight steps that companies take to move sustainability and social responsibility from buzzwords to a company mission capable of motivating employees (Knowledge @ Wharton 2016). David C. McClelland and his associates (especially John W. Atkinson) built on the work of Murray for over 50 years. According to Alderfer, which needs reflect a desire for satisfying interpersonal relationships? e.) Inducement. b) changing the outcomes received. d) Self-actualization There are not enough workers who feel personal satisfaction for having the cleanest floors in a building. b) How cognitive processes as thoughts and decisions within the minds of people influence their behavior a) It is not pertinent for cultures outside of the United States. Further, the evidence accumulated provided only partial support. Individual therapy meets the standard of best practices when it includes all of the following EXCEPT. Otherwise, a manager high in nPow may satisfy this need through acquisition of personal power, to the detriment of the organization. Forming humanistic-altruistic value system . A reclusive accountant may not have been given the opportunity to demonstrate their need for achievement because they never received challenging assignments. contingency contracting f. Therapies that strive to help clients understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. c) sense of responsibility. C. Cultivating sensitivity to self and others . Any discussion of needs that motivate performance would be incomplete without considering Abraham Maslow.8 Thousands of managers in the 1960s were exposed to Maslows theory through the popular writings of Douglas McGregor.9 Today, many of them still talk about employee motivation in terms of Maslows theory. So, when is this need good, and when is it bad? citation tool such as, Authors: David S. Bright, Anastasia H. Cortes. d) working conditions. a) opportunity for advancement. b.) (Points : 1) the length of time a person sticks with a given action. Find the amount of interest that could be earned in a savings account and a certificate of deposit account. Management theories include methods and practices that companies follow to manage their employees and maintain good employee relations effectively. That is, we are motivated by intrinsic rewards, rewards that we more or less give ourselves. The theories presented in this section focus on the importance of human needs. But what if Lucretia also has a need to dominate others? b) ERG theory includes a frustration-digression component, but Maslow's theory does not. financial assets include all of the following, except? Once those needs have been satisfied, the next level, social needs, become energized. Self-determination theory (SDT) seeks to explain not only what causes motivation, but also how extrinsic rewards affect intrinsic motivation.17 In SDT, extrinsic motivation refers to the performance of an activity in order to attain some valued outcome, while intrinsic motivation refers to performing an activity for the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself. c) the satisfaction of a need at one level will always decrease its importance and increase the importance of the next lower need. e) ERG, 68. c) an employee's responsibility to teach their managers of personal need profiles required for success in different jobs individual. Hygiene The key difference between theories of learning and models of teaching is that theories describe a. explicit strategies. microbiology lab final exam answers wordpress com, symbiosis microbiology lab manual pearson answers, microbiology lab manual growth medium sterilization, biology 1010 lab manual answers wordpress com, biol 230 laboratory manual the grapes . Other people have lower affiliation needs. d) improving hygiene factors will prevent people from being dissatisfied. The two main psychological developmental theories include continuous and discontinuous development. e) feeling of personal growth. These factors are so frequently associated with dissatisfaction that Herzberg claims they never really provide satisfaction. One major implication of Herzbergs motivator-hygiene theory is the somewhat counterintuitive idea that managers should focus more on motivators than on hygienes. e) base wage or salary. 4. Do you study at Liberty University? The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by Howard Gardner, posits that humans can possess eight different types of intelligence: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. 2017. Giving Back., Knowledge @ Wharton. Jobs that pay well and that are performed in safe, clean working conditions with adequate supervision and resources directly or indirectly satisfy these lower-order needs. c) People with a high need for affiliation like attention and recognition. Since content theories suggest that motivation results from individual needs, managers should __________. McClelland describes three major characteristics of high-nAch people: Why is nAch important to organizational behavior? They feel personally responsible for completing whatever tasks they are assigned. e.) ERG, According to equity theory, __________ exists when an individual feels that he or she has received relatively less than others have received in proportion to work inputs. List of Organizational Behaviour Multiple Choice Questions with Answers: Q1. In the context of motivation, level refers to __________. But paying him more will not cause long-term satisfaction unless motivators are present. To be seen and heard. relation to the euro, what is the d) an employee's responsibility to request that their managers develop need profiles required for success in different jobs the amount of effort a person puts forth. e) Esteem, relationships, and growth. b) Feelings of inequity are determined solely by the individual's interpretation of the situation. Motivator factors involve our long-term need to pursue psychological growth (much like Maslows esteem and self-actualization needs). The possibilities are endless. c) supervision. 30. e) The absence of motivator factors causes job dissatisfaction. A common perception about people who perform unskilled jobs is that they are unmotivated and content doing what they are doing. But he also believes that each need can be taught, especially nAch. Q9 - Rational choice theories developed in the midst of social events that included all of the following EXCEPT: The Drug War. Those five human needs, in the order of prepotency in which they direct human behavior, are: Exhibit 14.5 A protester at an anti-war demonstration in Seattle held up this sign. Question 16 Characteristics of "good" theories discussed in class include all of the following, except: A good theory should be clearly stated All else constant, the simplest possible explanation for a phenomenon is preferable O A good theory does not need to be rigorously tested Its constructs should be able to be operationalized A good theory should include all important predictor variables d) power Once satisfied, we focus on our ego and esteem needs. a. To revenge an injury. a. deterrence theory b. routine activities theory c. social disorganization theory d. neurological theory, Examples of informal sanctions include the following EXCEPT ______.

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