clg 0010 dod governmentwide commercial purchase card overview exam

You agree to make the purchase, and the construction company accepts your Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card as the method of purchase. Which of the following actions will be taken for failure to certify a Managing Account (MA) Billing Statement within 90 days of the billing cycle end date? Cardholders who hold an Ordering Officer delegation must follow Component procedures for order placement. A Cardholder's unauthorized purchase of power tools for personal useb. DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk The secretary defense authorize an increase in the micro purchase threshold to $20,000 to support declared contingency operations in Afghanistan. This price is several weeks income for many families. the cardholder temporarily loses card privilege's Cardholders may be granted authority to use their Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card accounts to make payments against contracts. certificate that costs $25. a. You receive a request to purchase construction services. Which there of the following statements are true? -Purchasing items or extra quantity of items for resale or to give away to relatives. T05.E03. Which option would you choose? Account? COM. Because they are a potential indicator of misuse, abuse, or fraud, delinquent accounts are subject to what? Contract payments. The Governmentwide commercial Purchase card ______ used as the method of payment for commercial training requests using the SF-182, Valued at or below 25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. &\textbf{(in millions)}&\textbf{(in millions)}\\ Which of the following is the term for a shipment of supplies or equipment that is delayed along the transportation chain and will not move until all problems are resolved? What are three authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? b. After completing the course, please be sure to complete the survey at the end. Slashes mean its wrong CLG 001 DoD Government Commercial Purchase Card. Convenience Check Writers, and Certifying Officers Courses 484 View detail Preview site Dau Clg 0010 Training Slides - The Cardholder must receive customized training. Ordering officers are established to provide DoD Components with the ability to make purchases against existing contracts to support their mission. Using simplified acquisition procedures above or below the micro-purchase threshold against federal supply contract vehicles Recovery of costs from governmentwide commercial Purchase Card officials Stock in Birdie Golf currently sells for $87 per share, and the company has 18 million shares of stock outstanding. 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In order to use the GPC for simplified accusations up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions, the card holder, merchant, and supply/delivery acquisition must be outside the United States and its jurisdictions. what are two advantages of the procurement integrated enterprise environment? CLG 001. test_prep. Giving preferential treatment to any person or organization CLG 0010 Exam 2022 Graded A What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government or corrupt the Governments agents by charge card program officials. Reconcile the monthly Statement of Account Ensure disputes are tracked to resolution 2. CLG 001. Is a felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the government COM. Clg 0010 dod governmentwide commercial purchase card. Failing to purchase from mandatory sources, Exceeding the applicable micro-purchase threshold, Splitting requirements to avoid card threshold, Commercial training requirements using the SF-, Is committed by someone other than charge card program official, CLG 0010 Do D Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, CLG 001 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase, commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an. Enables the Government to earn refunds Used to make mission-Essential Purchases Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. Defrauding the government Must not be Must be Is occasionally None of these Which of the following is an appropriate circumstance for using a convenience check? At 90 days past due, what happens to all Cardholder accounts associated with a Managing Account? CLG 0010: DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview: Online Training (OLT) N/A: N/A: 4: 02-Jun-2020: CLG 006 : Certifying Officer Legislation Training for Purchase Card Payments: Online Training (OLT) N/A: N/A: 1: 05-Nov-2019: Feedback. Paying for repairs of privately owned equipment, in step 12 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program process, what are three Situations in which the acceptor must ensure written independent receipt and acceptance, Purchase of accountable property Violating a specific-Use Policy. Automatic suspension of accounts, Which three of the following constitute Cardholder fraud? Write an exponential function that models the The cost of capital for Hybrid Golf is 12.4%, and the cost of equity is 16.9%. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam Spring 2022 (100% scored) Document Content and Description Below Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and managemen . The Government Commercial Purchase Card _________ used as the method of payment for commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. \text{Total revenues}&\underline{\underline{\$37,567}}&\underline{\underline{\$27,006}}\\ (Select the three that apply. Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions, Which three of the following statements about convenience checks are true, Convenience checks must be secured in a locked container Ordering officer purchases and payments Cardholders may be granted authority to use their Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card accounts to make payments against contracts. Interest penalties Which three items describe external fraud, Includes billing for items not ordered Mrs Trobiano regularly works 40 hours per week, at a rate of d dollars per hour. . A. ///- This one is correct/ who is responsible for making regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limit, in step 12 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program process, what are three, Transactions where the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card is used as a method of payment At or below the micro-purchase threshold against federal supply schedule contracts, fedmall, or other ordering systems that are authorized in component procedures.-Blank Choosing conditions to maximise yield, CLG 006 Certifying Officer Legislation Traini, 2S071 Materiel Management Edit Code 07 All UR, 2S071 Volume 2 Materiel Management Edit Code, 2S071 Volume 3 Materiel Management Edit Code, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, Karl E. Byleen, Michael R. Ziegler, Michae Ziegler, Raymond A. Barnett, HORRIBLE HISTORIES - Rotten Romans - Basic Ti. If required office paper is available from a mandatory source of supply (such as the Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled), the Cardholder must purchase the paper from the mandatory source, even if similar paper is available at a lower price from a non-mandatory source. PUR. using public office for private gain Defense Acquisition University. Are used to roll up cardholder accounts-New, Whos responsibility is it to comply with Government agency standards of conduct, Agency/Organization Program Coordinator The Government Commercial Purchase Card used as the method of payment for CLG 001 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam 100% 1. PUR. - ANSWER-True, Cardholders may be granted authority to use their Governmentwide Commercial, Purchase Card accounts to make payments against contracts. The CLPs assigned to this learning activity may be used to meet professional certification and/or licensure requirements (PDUs/CPE credits). Open-market micro-purchases. (select the three that apply), If commercial, door-to-door shipping is not available for GPC purchase to be shipped overseas, the card holder must, Coordinate with a transportation service support office before initiating the transaction. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam.docx. c. Disruption to Government purchases. Must not be Must be Is occasionally None of these 2. Who is the individual for ensuring the existence . Objectives Avoid prompt payment interest, Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures is a consolidation of the previous monthly agency/organization program coordinator reviews. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam/ How Long does Foreign Military Sales Documentation have to be retained following a case closure An Unauthorized commitment is an agreement that is not binding solely because the agreement involved a purchase amount above the micro-purchase threshold. Purchasing items or extra quantity of items for resale or to give away to relatives. 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In five years, the value of Hybrid Golf is expected to be$270 million. Monthly Agency/organization program coordinator reviews///// Objectives Download Course Objectives Target Attendees B. Who is responsible for verifying proof of delivery documentation for all Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card transactions during their monthly transaction review? Which of the following is a reason that DoD policy allows for Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Billing Statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to: What is the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) module used to initiate, review, approve, store, and terminate required delegations of procurement authority and/or appointments? competition Commercial Training requirements using the SF-182-New. Reduced Invoicing Costs \quad\text{Diluted}& 713,456 &699,012\\ T03.E02, What is he Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) module used to initiate, review, approve, store, and terminate required delegations of procurement authority and/or appointments? CLG0 0010 Test Review.pdf. Which of the following information must be included on detailed/itemized receipts? A purchase exceeds the micro purchase threshold. Each year, Lord & Taylor, Ltd., sets up a giftwrapping station to assist its customers with holiday shopping. When a merchant does not accept payment by credit card. It expects its earnings-and hence its dividends-to grow at a rate of 7 % for the foreseeable future. The comparative regional segment revenues for McDonalds Corporation are as follows: RecentYearPriorYear(inmillions)(inmillions)UnitedStates$8,814$8,528Europe10,82710,886APMEA*6,3916,020OtherCountries&Corprate1,5351,572Totalrevenues$37,567$27,006\begin{array}{lrr} In step 10 of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program, what are three pieces of information that should be included in the Cardholder Purchase Log? CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam 100%. The Government Commercial Purchase Card used as the method of payment for . a. a merchant. Similar in nature to a commercial credit cardb. Which three items describe external fraud? Failure to certify a Managing Account Billing Statement is a timely manner results in what three things? Several Personnel in your office have been needing new laptops, so this is a good time to take advantage of the increase and purchase 20 laptops at $500 each, for a total price of $10,000, DoD policy allows for governmentwide commercial purchase card billing statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to, Avoid Prompt payment interests The Government Commercial Purchase Card _________ used as the method of payment for commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. A document reflecting all purchases and credits that have been posted to the Cardholder's account during the 30 calendar days of the billing cycle. \hline 703-805 . what did you do wrong? The bank must close the account What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government or corrupt the Government's agents by charge card program officials? Bundle contains 3 documents. a. Quicker Payment Which three of the following are cardholder responsibilities in the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program? Decrease penalties for faulty disputes Disruption to Government Purchases. Date on which the item/service was ordered, How many Cardholder accounts may be rolled up under a Managing Account? Must be What are three advantages of using the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Explain. UnitedStatesEuropeAPMEA*OtherCountries&CorprateTotalrevenuesRecentYear(inmillions)$8,81410,8276,3911,535$37,567PriorYear(inmillions)$8,52810,8866,0201,572$27,006. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam.pdf. -, You receive a request to purchase construction services. Which Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program mandatory oversite procedure includes a consolidation of the previous six Monthly Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC) Reviews. c. Purchasing items or extra quantity of items for resale or to give away to relatives. What are three examples of abuse of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Total Dollar value of the transaction price-icon. The accountant will use a sample of future weekend guest bills to test the manager's claim. By Nutmegs 7 months ago QUESTIONS & ANSWERS $10 1 CLG 0010 Test Questions with correct answers (Guaranteed A+) (0) $6.49. Which of the following terms is defined as "the international use of the Government-issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations"? In the event that a Cardholder reports a misplaced, lost, or stolen card or check, which of the following is true? Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions. CLG 0010 Exam 100% Scored_ Spring 2022 1. Gives DoD access to information about what its Components buy 00 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. -Above or below the micro-purchase threshold against contract vehicles issued for the Component by a Contracting Officer that contain a provision authorizing order and payment by the GPC. An Unauthorized commitment is an agreement that is not binding solely because the agreement involved a purchase amount above the micro-purchase threshold. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview (Last Modified:29-Nov-2022) Description The DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) Overview module was designed to help GPC Program participants learn how to make and process GPC transactions in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. C. The Cardholder can request that the bank "stop payment" on a check, The law requires the DoD to recover cost from Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card officials who have used the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card for illegal, improper, or erroneous purchases. Purchasing office supplies for home use Reconcile the monthly statement of account. In order to use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card for simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions, the Cardholder, merchant, and supply delivery/service execution must all be outside the United States and its jurisdictions. Which three of the following describe the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government, or corrupt the Government's agents by charge card program officials? Which three of the following describe the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Unintentionally Purchasing excessive quantities of an item with limited shelf life, Failure to certify a Managing Account Billing Statement in a timely manner results in what three things?T02.E04, Disruption to Government Purchases (Select the three that apply). Which of the following are you authorized to accept? Funds must be available to cover the check value and the bank's processing fee DoD policy allows for governmentwide commercial purchase card billing statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to (Select the three that apply), Avoid Pecuniary Liability-Correct 3. Both companies can borrow at an 8% interest rate. 300. points. c. Ordering Officer purchases and payments. How many Cardholder accounts may be rolled up under a Managing Account? T05.e01. What are three advantages of using the governmentwide commercial purchase card? What was Campbells basic earnings per share in 2012 and 2013? A document reflecting all purchases and credits that have been posted to the Cardholder's account during the 30 calendar days of the billing cycle. DoD Govenmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam.docx. the Cardholder can dispute a convenience check after payment has been made What did you do wrong? T07.E01, failing to certify Purchase Card Certification Statements" on time CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Term 1 / 23 Which of the following is a cardholder responsibility in the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program?

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